04 November 2021

A More Complex Union

Based on the new legal history of European integration that has come out over the last decade, I will offer a different interpretation of the role of law in the EU than the one typically offered by legal scholarship. The central conclusion is that there is an unresolved tension in the relationship between law and politics in the EU that will most likely shape the Union’s response to the Polish crisis. To conclude, I will offer several alternative scenarios of how the EU may react to the Polish crisis. Continue reading >>

Who monitors compliance with fundamental values in EU Member States?

In 2014, the European Commission created a framework for the rule of law and the European Parliament has repeatedly proposed to extend this procedure to an Annual Monitoring Cycle on Democracy, the Rule of Law and Fundamental Rights. The insistence with which this proposal is formulated is intriguing because a similar procedure already existed in the Council of Europe for almost 30 years, under the responsibility of the Parliamentary Assembly. What are the political interests and practical considerations that underly what at first glance looks like a competition between the two European organizations? Continue reading >>
03 November 2021

A(nother) lost opportunity?

The October meeting of the European Council (EUCO) was its first occasion to react to the declaration by the Polish “Constitutional Tribunal” that several provisions of the Treaty on European Union are incompatible with Poland’s Constitution and consequently inapplicable to the country. The express denunciation of fundamental provisions of EU primary law by one of its members (with the support of another), while insisting on his country remaining part of the Union, is a situation the EUCO could hardly overlook. And yet, not a word about the unfolding constitutional crisis was included in the EUCO Conclusions. Various elements may explain the restraint. However, the complete muteness from the EU crisis-manager-in-chief is more questionable and may carry a disquieting message. Continue reading >>

Exclusion from the EU is Possible as a Last Resort

On 7 October 2021, the Polish Constitutional Tribunal issued a decision that can only be compared to setting off a bomb. Only integrationist dream-walkers could take the position that there is no legal possibility to withdraw the status of EU membership from an EU member state that permanently disregards the conditions of membership. Continue reading >>
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Wir bleiben bis ihr handelt?

Unter dem Motto „Wir bleiben bis Ihr handelt“ veranstalten Fridays for Future bundesweit Klimacamps, deren dauerhafte Präsenz im öffentlichen Raum auf die Dringlichkeit der Klimakrise hinweisen soll. Schwierigkeiten bereiten den Camps nicht die extremen Wetterbedingungen im Winter, sondern Behörden und Gerichte. Gut vier Jahre nach einer intensiven Auseinandersetzung um das Verfahren zum G-20-Protestcamp 2017 in Hamburg ist die Frage, ob und inwieweit die Versammlungsinfrastrukturen von Art. 8 GG geschützt sind, rund um die Klimacamps erneut entbrannt. Continue reading >>
02 November 2021

Fischen im Trüben

Der Post-Brexit-Fischereistreit zwischen London und Paris will nicht enden: Erst im Mai dieses Jahres standen sich vor der Kanalinsel Jersey französische und britische Kriegsschiffe gegenüber. Nach der Festsetzung eines britischen Fischerbootes in der Hafenstadt Le Havre am vergangenen Donnerstag droht der Konflikt nun abermals zu eskalieren. Kern des Streits sind Unstimmigkeiten über die Ausstellungen von Fischfanglizenzen für britische Gewässer zwischen sechs und zwölf Seemeilen vor der Küste. Das beiderseitige Säbelrasseln über die Zugangslizenzen überdeckt die Tatsache, dass es sich letztlich um eine bürokratische Einzelfrage handelt. Diese gilt es nun zu klären. Continue reading >>

No Surrender to Poland

Last week, a district court in Norway took a bold step and refused surrender to Poland due to the “significant greater danger and probability” that a Polish court would not be a lawful judge. In the European battle over the independence of Polish courts, surrender of wanted persons according to the European Arrest Warrant has been a minor but important front. The Vestfold district court's ruling should be welcomed and also invites the Norwegian Supreme Court and the CJEU to change their jurisprudence on surrender to Poland. Continue reading >>

Ein Ausschluss aus der EU ist als Ultima-Ratio-Maßnahme möglich

Am 7. Oktober 2021 hat das polnische Verfassungsgericht eine Entscheidung erlassen, die sich nur mit dem Zünden einer Bombe vergleichen lässt. Nur integrationspolitische Traumwandler könnten die Position zu vertreten, dass es keine rechtliche Möglichkeit gibt, einen EU-Mitgliedstaat, der die Mitgliedschaftsbedingungen dauerhaft missachtet, den Status zu entziehen. Continue reading >>

Grinding the Orange Axe

On October 18th, 2021, the Venice Commission adopted its opinion on the Dutch childcare benefit scandal and highlighted, albeit reluctantly, several shortcomings regarding the Netherlands’ adherence to the rule of law: A lack of parliamentary scrutiny, a disrupted flow of information in bureaucratic bodies and the need for constitutional review. Despite the opinion’s inherent potential to provide a thorough substantive addition to the rule of law conversation, it fails at doing so due to its evasiveness and its hesitance to address complicated Dutch customs, such as the current caretaker cabinet. Continue reading >>

Schufa und die DSGVO

Durch einen Vorlagebeschluss des BG Wiesbaden hat der EuGH Gelegenheit, datenschutzrechtliche Anforderungen an das Scoring zu konkretisieren und zugleich auch Stellung zu nehmen zu der Frage, inwieweit dem nationalen Gesetzgeber unter der DSGVO im Bereich des Scoring überhaupt ein Gestaltungsspielraum – für § 31 BDSG – verbleibt. Continue reading >>
01 November 2021

Struggling for Democratic Elections

Ahead of the elections on 7 November 2021, the Permanent Council of the Organization of American States sends a final warning to Nicaragua. On 20 October, it adopted resolution 1182 and clarified that holding elections is not enough if these elections violate democratic principles. The OAS – like other regional organizations – faces persisting challenges when addressing member states that systematically disregard their core obligations in the fields of human rights, democracy, and the rule of law. And yet, it is in a position to make a difference in the struggle for the restoration of democracy in Nicaragua. Continue reading >>

Journalistic Independence, the BBC and the Government of the Day

The structures that preserve the independence of journalism from the power of the UK state seem to be under assault. The government of the day has the power to appoint people to the board that oversees the BBC. The problem, to express it in more abstract terms, relates to the extent to which private institutions that perform public functions should be the focus of public and constitutional law. Continue reading >>

Why are you on Facebook?

In a recent draft decision of the Irish Data Protection Commissioner to other European Data Protection Authorities, the Irish Commissioner addressed whether or not Facebook could rely on the contractual legal basis for certain purposes of its personal data processing, including for behavioral advertising. According to the Commissioner, “a reasonable user would be well-informed […] that [personalized advertising] is the very nature of the service being offered by Facebook and contained within the contract”. Based on this interpretation, it appears that Facebook’s users are on the social network not to connect with their friends and family but rather to receive personalized advertising. Continue reading >>
31 October 2021

From Charity to Justice in the Pandemic

Waiving intellectual property rights is not a panacea in the current pandemic, but it may remove obstacles and, importantly, would send the right message. Germany should therefore change its position and support a decision in the World Trade Organization (WTO) to that effect. Donations are good and necessary in the short-term, but they must not be mistaken for acts justice in international relations. Continue reading >>
29 October 2021

Warum das Zwangsgeld gegen Polen die Glaubwürdigkeit der EU stärken wird

Am 27. Oktober 2021 verhängte der EuGH ein Strafgeld in Höhe von 1 Million Euro pro Tag gegen Polen, weil sich der Staat bisher konsequent geweigert hatte, die einstweiligen Anordnungen im Rahmen des jüngsten Vertragsverletzungsverfahrens zu befolgen. Dass die EU zu diesem drastischen Mittel greift, verleiht ihr im zähen Ringen um wirksame Maßnahmen gegen Polen Glaubwürdigkeit und könnte langfristig eine Abkehr von politisch ausgehandelten Sanktionen einläuten. Continue reading >>

The Deadly Woods

Since August 2021, hundreds of people have attempted, and many have succeeded, to irregularly cross the border from Belarus to Poland. In retaliation, they are pushed back to Belarus by Polish authorities and then forced to cross back to Poland by Belarusian authorities. Forced to repeatedly wander in minus temperatures through thick woods, many persons have been seriously injured and at least several have died. As of the end of October 2021, there are two parallel frameworks legalizing pushbacks in Poland. Continue reading >>

Die Rückkehr „positiver Komplementarität“

Der (neue) Chefankläger des Internationalen Strafgerichtshofs (IStGH), Karim A. A. Khan Q.C., hat gestern die Einstellung der (jahrelangen) Vorermittlungen (preliminary examination) zu Kolumbien angekündigt. Mit der Einstellung haucht der neue Chefankläger des Internationalen Strafgerichtshofs dem in Vergessenheit geratenen Konzept „positiver Komplementarität“ neues Leben ein und lässt eine strategische Neuausrichtung erkennen. Continue reading >>
28 October 2021

Die andere Rechtsstaatlichkeitskrise

An der polnisch-belarussischen Grenze spielt sich ein Drama der Rechtsmissachtung ab,  inzwischen mit mehreren Toten. Es ist dies die andere, leisere Rechtsstaatlichkeitskrise: die des entgegen klarer Vorgaben des Unionsrechts verweigerten Zugangs zu einem Asylverfahren; die der wiederholten Missachtung von einstweiligen Anordnungen des Europäischen Gerichtshofs für Menschenrechte (EGMR). Continue reading >>
27 October 2021

This Was Not Just Another Ultra Vires Judgment!

A few days ago, 27 retired judges of the Polish Constitutional Tribunal have issued a statement concerning the judgment K 3/21 of 7 October 2021. We are both among its signatories. With this article, we hope to contribute to the clarification of the false statements contained in that judgment, its oral explanations and statements of representatives of political authorities, regarding the difficult matters of coexistence of Polish law and European Union law. Continue reading >>
26 October 2021

Blockierte Mehrheit

Über den Bundesrat wird die Union die künftige Ampel-Koalition zu zahlreichen Kompromissen zwingen können. Es droht eine Politik des kleinsten gemeinsamen Nenners. Hinter der Vetomacht im Bundesrat liegen zudem bedenkliche Unwuchten im Wählerstimmengewicht, die der Größenordnung von etwa 300 Überhangmandaten entsprechen. Damit sich das neue Vielparteiensystem nicht selbst blockiert und demokratische Prinzipien verletzt werden, muss der Bundesrat reformiert werden. Continue reading >>