Stefan Grundmann
The German Council of Sciences and Humanities calls for an [...]
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Christian Djeffal
‘In the beginning was the word, the commentary followed swiftly…’ This wisecrack applies to many academic disciplines and it certainly applies to German legal academia. There are great many commentaries. As the Wissenschaftsrat very closely observed the practices of German legal academia, it also inquired into the genre of commentaries. What was there to say?
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Stefan Grundmann
Der Wissenschaftsrat ruft in seinem Gutachten zu den “Perspektiven der Rechtswissenschaft in Deutschland” dazu auf, die Rechtswissenschaft sowohl international als auch mit Blick auf die Nachbarwissenschaften zu öffnen. Beide Forderungen verdienen dann Unterstützung, wenn sie als Weiterentwicklung, nicht als revolutionäre Forderung zum Umsturz des bestehenden Systems verstanden werden.
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Ariane Grieser
Picking up some of the threads of the current debate [...]
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Russell A. Miller
Introduction For all the noise it makes about internationalizing German [...]
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Jan Klabbers
Had the German Wissenschaftsrat hired an advertising agency to extol [...]
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Anne Griffiths
What is striking to an outsider about the focus of [...]
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Ralf Michaels
Michaela Hailbronner makes important arguments in her informed and carefully [...]
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Michaela Hailbronner
The debate on the Wissenschaftsrat-Report has quickly turned into one [...]
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Ralf Michaels
I want to decline Rob Howse’s invitation to talk about [...]
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A few years ago, a New York Times editorial declared: [...]
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Robert Howse
Ralf Michaels describes me as having “taken offense” to his [...]
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Ralf Michaels
In a post on I compare two reports on [...]
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Robert Howse
Germany's Science Council (Wissenschaftsrat) has issued a report on the state of legal scholarship in the country. At first glance it is fairly interesting as an overview of the strengths and weaknesses of the discipline. The report has attracted, however, a rather unusual response at Verfassungsblog from a professor at Duke, Ralf Michaels, who seems to hold to theories of cultural determinism in legal education. According to Michaels, "German doctrinal scholarship will always be superior to that of other countries,.."
Always? I am not sure what to make of this.Germany's Science Council (Wissenschaftsrat) has issued a report on the state of legal scholarship in the country. At first glance it is fairly interesting as an overview of the strengths and weaknesses of the discipline. The report has attracted, however, a rather unusual response at Verfassungsblog from a professor at Duke, Ralf Michaels, who seems to hold to theories of cultural determinism in legal education. According to Michaels, "German doctrinal scholarship will always be superior to that of other countries,.."
Always? I am not sure what to make of this.
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Ralf Michaels
The German Council of Science and Humanities’ report on “Prospects [...]
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, Alexandra Kemmerer
this is Structural changes in the law present challenges to [...]
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