Open Letter in Support of Professor Wojciech Sadurski
Two months ago Armin von Bogdandy and Luke Dimitrios Spieker highlighted the plight of our colleague Wojciech Sadurski, a distinguished professor of law at the Universities of Sydney and Warsaw, and formerly at the European University Institute in Florence. Professor Sadurski finds himself facing an array of charges and lawsuits in Poland for his outspoken criticism of the governing party, PiS. As von Bogdandy and Spieker pointed out, such attempts to silence critics are not solely a matter of Polish law but also of European Union law and European human rights law, particularly in the context of the ongoing Article 7 TEU procedure against Poland. But matters have continued to worsen since that time for Sadurski, who has been targeted by no less than three sets of legal proceedings aimed at silencing him and punishing him for speaking out. We write to draw attention to the legal harassment of Professor Sadurski by the Polish government and its allies, to the right of academics across the European Union to freely speak out and to criticize political leaders, and to publicly express our support for Wojciech Sadurksi.
The background is this: On 10 November 2018 Wojciech Sadurski called upon Polish citizens to boycott a so-called “Independence March” to be held in Warsaw. He tweeted: “If anyone still had any doubts, after the maneuver of the past two days this much should be clear: no honest person should go in a parade of defenders of the White race, who have hidden for a moment their “falangas” [a neo-Nazi symbol] and swastikas, in collusion with an organized criminal group PiS”. On 13 January 2019, shortly after the murder of Gdańsk Mayor Mr Paweł Adamowicz, Sadurski tweeted that a politician was killed after he had been hounded by government media, and stated that no democrat and opposition politician should enter the premises of TVP, a public television station, which he described as a Goebbelsian media company.
These two tweets led to three currently pending cases. The first, a civil suit lodged on 21 January 2019 by PiS and signed by its President, Jarosław Kaczyński, alleged that the personal rights of PiS were affected by characterizing the party as an ‘organised criminal group’. This characterization was also said by PiS to insult thousands of its members. PiS has demanded a public apology through a pinned tweet expressing regret for breaching its good name, payment of a high fine to be donated to a charity, as well as a commitment that he would never again refer to PiS in a similar way. The second tweet led to a criminal case dated 21 January 2019, and to a civil case dated 20 March 2019, both brought by a state-run television TVP. The argument made in these two cases is that the tweet amounts to intentional and deliberate defamation as well as adversely affecting the personal rights of the TV station through its suggestion of a link between the manner of the station’s reporting and the murder of the Mayor. TVP also argues that the tweet would have a negative impact on the TV station’s reputation and on its commercial partners, particularly its advertisers. TVP argues that Sadurski should pay a fine, to be donated to a charity, and should publicly apologise by purchasing an expensive advertisement in a top Polish web portal.
All three cases are currently pending. And while we respect and support the independence of the Polish courts and hope that they will be able to perform their functions freely and without interference, ongoing measures in Poland to undermine the independence of the judiciary and to assert disciplinary political control over the courts create grave cause for concern.
It is clear to any observer with the most elementary knowledge of EU law and the law of the European Convention on Human Rights that the three cases against Professor Sadurski will not survive the scrutiny of the Strasbourg (ECHR) or Luxembourg (EU) courts. What is happening to Wojciech Sadurski is a coordinated harassment campaign by the Polish ruling party against a well-known and respected academic who has clearly struck a nerve with his powerful critique of the situation in his native country.
Does the Polish ruling party really want to continue this futile and expensive campaign of legal harassment through the lengthy procedural routes to the Luxembourg and Strasbourg courts, given the inevitability of further high-profile and authoritative rulings against it? We hope not and we suggest that the rational self-interest of the Polish government should prevail. We call upon PiS to reconsider its position and immediately drop its case against Wojciech Sadurski, and to require TVP, which is financed through public resources, to do the same with its two cases.
We write this letter not only in support of our academic colleague Wojciech Sadurski, but also to make the broader point that any attempt to silence any one of us who writes for and reads publications such as this one is an attempt to repress and silence all of us. Freedom of expression safeguards robust criticism of governmental and political action, and all the more so in a context in which there has been widespread criticism by independent observers of the actions of the national authorities to undermine the rule of law. We write today to speak out and to stand up for that freedom.
To co-sign this open letter, please leave a comment with your name and affiliation!
Floyd Abrams, Senior Counsel Cahill Gordon & Reindel LLP and Yale Law School
Bruce Ackerman, Sterling Professor of Law and Political Science, Yale University
Alberto Alemanno, HEC Paris
Philip Alston, New York University
Jack M. Balkin, Yale Law School
Petra Bárd, Central European University
Christine Bell, University of Edinburgh
Bojan Bugaric, Professor of Law, Department of law, Sheffield University
Gráinne de Búrca, New York University
Daniela Caruso, Boston University
Sujit Choudhry, WZB Social Science Center, Center for Global Constitutionalism, Berlin
Paul Craig, University of Oxford
Deirdre Curtin, Professor of European Law, European University Institute Florence
Tom Gerald Daly, MLS Fellow, Melbourne Law School
Bruno De Witte, Professor of European Union law, Maastricht University
Oran Doyle, Trinity College Dublin
Cynthia Estlund, New York University
Owen Fiss, Yale Law School
Janneke Gerards, Professor of Fundamental Rights Law, Utrecht University
Laurence Gormley, University of Groningen
Samuel Issacharoff, New York University
Gábor Halmai, European University Institute
Aileen Kavanagh, Oxford University
R. Daniel Kelemen, Professor of Political Science and Law, Rutgers University
David Kenny, Assistant Professor Law, Trinity College Dublin
Tarun Khaitan, Associate Professor, University of Oxford/University of Melbourne
David Kinley, Professor of Human Rights Law, Sydney Law School
Claire Kilpatrick, Professor of International and European Labour and Social Law, Dean of Graduate Studies, European University Institute,Florence, Italy
Dimitry Kochenov, University of Groningen
Tomasz Koncewicz, University of Gdańsk
Kriszta Kovács, ELTE/WZB Berlin
Martin Krygier, Gordon Samuels Professor of Law and Social Theory, University of New South Wales
Mattias Kumm, Professor for Global Public Law, WZB Berlin & Humboldt University, Inge Rennert Professor of Law New York University
Christine Landfried, University of Hamburg
Rick Lawson, University of Leiden
Brian Leiter, Karl N. Llewellyn Professor of Jurisprudence, Director, Center for Law, Philosophy & Human Values, University of Chicago
Susanna Mancini, Full Professor and Chair of Comparative Constitutional Law, University of Bologna
Daniel Markovits, Guido Calabresi Professor of Law, Founding Director, Center for the Study of Private Law, Yale Law School
Frank Michelman, Robert Walmsley University Professor, Emeritus Harvard University
John Morijn, University of Groningen
Jan-Werner Mueller, Professor, Princeton University
Kalypso Nicolaïdis, Professor of International Relations, University of Oxford
Gianluigi Palombella, Professor of Applied Legal Theory and Philosophy of Law, Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies, Pisa
Laurent Pech, Middlesex University
Vlad Perju, Professor, Boston College Law School
Richard H. Pildes, Sudler Family Professor of Constitutional Law, NYU School of Law
Gianfranco Poggi, Professor Emeritus of Sociology, University of Virginia
Robert Post, Sterling Professor of Law, Yale Law School
Judith Resnik, Yale Law School
Susan Rose-Ackerman, Henry R. Luce Professor of Law, Emeritus, and Professorial Lecturer,Yale Law School
Michel Rosenfeld, University Professor of Law and Comparative Democracy, Justice Sydney L. Robins Professor of Human Rights, Cardozo Law School
Ruth Rubio Marin, University of Sevilla and European University Institute, Florence
Ben Saul, Challis Chair of International Law, University of Sydney and Chair of Australian Studies, Harvard University
Joanne Scott, Professor of European Union Law, European University Institute, Florence, Italy
Kim Lane Scheppele, Princeton University
Michael Sevel, Senior Lecturer in Jurisprudence, Sydney Law School
Maximilian Steinbeis, Verfassungsblog
Alec Stone Sweet, Centennial Professor of Law, National University of Singapore
John Tasioulas, Director, Yeoh Tiong Lay Centre for Politics, Philosophy, and Law, the Dickson Poon School of Law, King’s College London
Gábor Attila Tóth, Humboldt University Berlin
Antoine Vauchez, Professor, Université de Paris 1-Sorbonne
Jeremy Waldron, New York University
Neil Walker, Edinburgh Law School
Kevin Walton, Director of the Julius Stone Institute of Jurisprudence, University of Sydney
Stephen Weatherill, Jacques Delors Professor of European Law Somerville College and Law Faculty University of Oxford
Jan Wouters, University of Leuven
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Dafür brauchen wir Ihre Unterstützung!
Samuel Moyn, Yale University
Mirosław Wyrzykowski
Prof. emeritus University of Warsaw, Poland
John J Cronin,alumnus EUI
Henri de Waele, Radboud University Nijmegen/University of Antwerp
Yasmin Dawood
Faculty of Law, University of Toronto
Eva Julia Lohse, Lehrstuhl für Öffentliches Recht, Europarecht und Rechtsvergleichung, Universität Bayreuth
Raul Sanchez Urribarri, La Trobe University, Melbourne
Truth win!
Darinka Piqani, Leiden University
I fully support Prof Sadurski.
Adam Shinar, Interdisciplinary Center Herzliya
Xavier Arbos Marin, Professor of Constitutional Law, University of Barcelona
Tove H. Malloy, Professor Europa-Universität Flensburg
I agree with the content of the open letter, and condemn the actions directed at Prof Sadursku.
Anna Katharina Mangold, Europa-Universität Flensburg
Steffen Ganghof, University of Potsdam
John Parkinson, Professor of Social & Political Philosophy, Maastricht
Massimo Fichera, Faculty of Law, University of Helsinki
Radosveta Vassileva, UCL
Ming-Sung Kuo, University of Warwick School of Law
You stand up for the freedom of Sadurksi’s excessive hate speech!
Michael Waibel, University of Cambridge
I would like to sign the letter supporting prof. Sadurski. Prof. Argelia Queralt-Jiménez, University of Barcelon
Adam Krzywoń, Constitutional Law Departement, University of Warsaw
Eduardo Vírgala-Foruria, Professor of Constitutional Law, University of the Basque Country, Spain
Susana de la Sierra, LL.M. (Bayreuth), Ph.D. (EUI, Florence), University of Castilla-La Mancha, Spain
Ioanna Tourkochoriti, Lecturer Above the Bar, School of Law NUI Galway
José Luis Martí, Associate Professor of Legal Philosophy at Pompeu Fabra University (Spain)
Liam Murphy, New York University
What is happening is indeed a coordinated harassment campaign by the Polish ruling party against Wojciech Sadurski.
Andrew Drzemczewski
Visiting Professor School of Law Middlesex University London, former Head of the Secretariat of the Parliamentary Assembly’s Committee on Legal Affairs & Human Rights, Council of Europe,Strasbourg
Szanowny Panie,
przepisy o karaniu osób za zniewagę, czy zniesławienie art. 212 i nst. k.k. obowiązują w Polskiej procedurze od lat. I nawet nowy kodeks karny, który wszedł w życie po obaleniu komunizmu w Polsce z tych przepisów nie zrezygnował. Co więcej wiele osób, w tym dziennikarz, została prawomocnie skazanych na ich podstawie i to nie tylko za obrażanie PIS, ale również Platformy Obywatelskiej (kolegów prof. Sadurskiego), PSL, czy SLD.
Ale proszę się nie obawiać o losy Pana profesora. Dzięki bowiem Sądowi Najwyższemu orzekającemu przeciwko Jarosławowi Kaczyńskiemu powstała praktyka, która zmusi sądy do uniewinnienia Pana profesora.
Pan Jarosław Kaczyński w jednej z wypowiedzi w programie Moniki Olejnik nazwał SLD organizacją przestępczą, stwierdził, że to udowodni i partię tę zdelegalizuje.
Wypowiedzią tą poczuł się obrażony jeden z działaczy SLD, który nigdy nie uważał siebie za przestępcę i członka grupy przestępczej czy mafii. Wytoczył więc on powództwo Jarosławowi Kaczyńskiemu o naruszenie dóbr osobistych. Sprawa ta trafiła do Sądu Najwyższego i s.s.n. Iwona Koper uznała, że członków SLD jest tak dużo, że są mało identyfikowalni. Jeżeli nie można zidentyfikować kogoś w ramach przynależności do grupy, to nie można go obrazić, lżyc zbiorowość do której należy. Nadto sama obraza musi być obiektywna a nie subiektywna.
Dlatego też zgodnie z twierdzeniem s.s.n. Iwony Koper lżąc PIS, jako organizację falangistów, antysemitów, nazistów, czy innych prawicowych zbrodniarzy nie można obrazić jego członków, a więc prowadzone w tej kwestii przeciwko prof. Sadurskiemu sprawy należy umorzyć.
Andrzej Zając
partner zarządzający Kancelarii Instytutu Praktyki Prawniczej
Jernej Letnar Černič, Associate Professor of Constitutional and Human Rights Law, New university, Faculty of Government and European Studies, Slovenia.
Matej Avbelj, New University, Slovenia
Violeta Besirevic,Union University Law School Belgrade & CEU,CELAB
Full support for professor Sadurski
Peter Oliver
Faculty of Law
University of Ottawa
Matthias Goldmann, Goethe University Frankfurt a. M.
Marie-Laure Basilien-Gainche, Professor of Lax, University Jean Moulin Lyon 3, Honorarium member of the Institut Universitaire de France
Sébastien Platon, Professor of Public Law, University of Bordeaux
Saša Zagorc, University of Ljubljana
Jurij Toplak, University of Maribor and Alma Mater Europaea
You are biased. What is happening actually is a harassment of the Polish government by Prof. Sadurski, who attacks the PIS party.
Everybody knows in Poland that Prof. Sadurski is a hajer.
Roxana Vornicu, Fellow, Centre for Good Governance Studies, Babes Bolyay University Cluj-Napoca, Romania
I support Professor Sadurski’s freedom of speech!
Jiří Přibáň
Cardiff University
Lilian Tsourdi, University of Oxford
Tom Theuns, Utrecht University, The Netherlands
Professor of Law and R. Gordon Butler Scholar in International Law
I would like to support prof Sadurski
Jaakko Husa
Professor in Law and Globalisation
University of Helsinki
Kai Purnhagen, Wageningen University and Erasmus University of Rotterdam
George A. Hay
Charles Frank Reavis Sr. Professor of Law and Professor of Economics
Cornell University
Dennis Patterson
Board of Governors Professor of Law and Philosophy
Rutgers University
Jamie Glister, University of Cambridge
Paul James Cardwell
Professor of Law
University of Strathclyde, Glasgow
Mauro Gatti, The Hague University of Applied Sciences
Urszula Iwaszczuk, University of Warsaw
Antoni Abat i Ninet
Prof. Comparative Constitutional Law
University of Copenhagen
Anthony Lester QC
Blackstone Chambers
London EX4Y 9BW
Jeffrey L. Dunoff, Professor of Law, Temple University Beasley School of Law
Julia Domnick, Kammergericht Berlin
Jo Shaw, University of Edinburgh/Tampere University
Frederick Schauer, David and Mary Harrison Distinguished Professor of Law, University of Virginia
Luis Arroyo Jiménez
Jean Monnet Chair of European Administrative Law
University of Castilla-La Mancha
Agata Fijalkowski, Lancaster University Law School
Boyd van Dijk, University of Amsterdam.
Antonia Baraggia, University of Milan
Clare Huntington
Joseph M. McLaughlin Professor of Law
Fordham Law School
Ann-Christine Hartzén, lecturer in legal science, Linnæus university
Matthew Weait
Professor of Law and Society
University of Portsmouth
Richard S Kay
University of Connecticut School of Law
Germán M. Teruel Lozano, University of Murcia
This sort of harassment must stop.
James Chalmers, University of Glasgow
Scott Shapiro, Professor of Law and Professor of Philosophy, Yale University
Therese Murphy, Queen’s University Belfast
Romain Tinière, professor of public Law, University of Grenoble,
Ethan J Leib, John D Calamari Distinguished Professor of Law, Fordham Law School
Gustavo A. Beade
Universidad de Buenos Aires
Virginia Mantouvalou, Professor of Human Rights and Labour Law, University College London, Faculty of Laws
I support Professor Sadurski fight for freedom and human rights in Poland.
Barbara Koczorowska, retired French teacher, Jagellonian University,Cracow
Hasan Dindjer, University of Oxford
Armen Mazmanyan, American University of Armenia and Central European University
Prof Sadurski should be free to express his views, regardless of whether there are biased/misguided or not! I support this statement.
Maria Popova, McGill University
Erin Delaney, Northwestern University Pritzker School of Law
Lea Ypi, London School of Economics and Political Science
Bernard Keenan, Birkbeck, University of London
Petra Guasti, Goethe University Frankfurt
I am so sorry Woiciech! Dreadful!
Karine Caunes, EUI alumni, course director, ERA, expert advisor for LREM on the rule of law, Responsable Europe, LREM Moselle (57), France
Don’t hesitate to contact me to see what could be done on a political level…
Paul Linden-Retek, New York University School of Law
Ronan McCrea
Professor of Constitutional and European Law, University College London
Anna Śledzińska-Simon, University of Wrocław
The Judicial System should never be used as a means of silencing political criticism. The case-law of the ECHR and the CJEU must be respected and implemented at the national level.
Bruno Mestre, PhD (EUI), Judge at Portuguese Courts.
Professor Emeritus, University of Essex, UK
Maria Bergström, University of Uppsala
Verity Bell, Faculty of Laws, University College London
Lukasz Gruszczynski, Institute of Law Studies of the Polish Academy of Sciences
Suryapratim Roy, Assistant Professor, School of Law, Trinity College Dublin
Stefan Auer
Jean Monnet Chair
The University of Hong Kong
Cormac MAC AMHLAIGH, Edinburgh Law School, University of Edinburgh.
Aspa Theochari, PhD Candidate in Administrative Law at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
I cosign the letter, Carl Fredrik Bergström, Professor Uppsala University Sweden
Anna Jonsson Cornell, professor, Faculty of Law Uppsala University, Sweden
Emily Kidd White
Osgoode Hall Law School
In support of freedom to criticise political parties and leaders.
Zane Rasnača, ETUI and KU Leuven
Michael Hamilton,Senior Lecturer in Public Protest Law, University of East Anglia
Julia Chryssostalis, Westminster Law School, University of Westminster
Mihaela Serban, Associate Professor of Law and Society, Ramapo College of New Jersey
Bastian Steuwer
London School of Economics and Political Science
Ben Stanley, Associate Professor, SWPS University, Warsaw
University College London
Myra Waterbury, Professor of Political Science, Ohio University
I support professor Sadurski – dr Jacek Kucharczyk, President, Institute of Public Affairs in Warsaw.
Tom Hickey, Dublin City University
Michael Hein, Adult Education Center Altenburg
John Bogart
Independent Scholar
Fiona de Londras, Professor of Global Legal Studies, University of Birmingham, UK
In full support. Professor Ben Tonra, UCD School of Politics and International Relations, University College Dublin
As both Polish and member of the international research community I wholeheartedly suport Prof. Sadurski in his struggle against the enemies of freedom of speech, human rights and respect for law. Romuald Jagodziński, European Trade Union Institute, Brussels.
In full support
Jane Rooney, Bristol University
In full support.
Dr Maxine David, Lecturer in European Politics, Leiden University.
Deirdre Duffy, Manchester Metropolitan University
J. Benton Heath, Acting Assistant Professor of Lawyering, NYU School of Law
No government is immune from criticism even in the harshest and provocative manner.
Billy Melo Araujo, Queen’s University Belfast
Jen Hendry, Associate Professor of Law & Social Justice, University of Leeds
Dr. Yaniv Roznai, Interdisciplinary Center Herzliya
Monika Florczak-Wątor, Jagiellonian University
Richard Albert
Willliam Stamps Farish Professor of Law
The University of Texas at Austin
Rory O’Connell, Transitional Justice Institute, Ulster University
Philippe Reyniers, Utrecht University
I support Professor Sadurski
Joe Tomlinson, King’s College London
Christopher F. Zurn
Professor of Philosophy, University of Massachusetts Boston
I fully support Wojciech Sadurski
I fully support Professor Sadurski.
Matthew Happold, University of Luxembourg
I support Professor Sadurski
Fully support
Marise Cremona, Emeritus Professor, European University Institute Florence
Milada Anna Vachudova
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Lorenzo Zucca
Professor of Law and Philosophy
School of Law
King’s College London
I fully support Professor Sadurski.
Elaine Fahey, City Law School, City, University of London, UK
This anti-intellectual campaign can only harm the reputation of the Polish government and ruling party. I urge that it be dropped immediately.
Michael Toomey, Departments of Politics and International Relations, University of Reading
James Grant, King’s College London
Peter L. Lindseth
Olimpiad S. Ioffe Professor of International and Comparative Law
University of Connecticut School of Law
In support, recognising the critical importance of academic freedom to democracy and public debate.
Monica Eppinger,
Saint Louis University School of Law
and Department of Sociology and Anthropology,
St. Louis, Missouri, USA
James Dawson,
Coventry University
Mauro Zamboni, Professor in Legal Theory, Faculty of Law, Stockholm University, Sweden
Irene Baghoomians,
University of Sydney
I support the open letter.
Przemyslaw Tacik, Jagiellonian University
Ralf Michaels
Duke University
Conor Crummey, UCL Laws
Adam Czarnota
University of New South Wales
I support freedom of expression including criticizing the current government.
Veronika Fikfak
University of Cambridge
Freedom for critical scholarship!
David Fennelly, School of Law, Trinity College Dublin
Stuart Russell, Macquarie University School of Law, Sydney Australia (retired)
Ali Acar
Cankaya University, Faculty of Law
As a professor of constitutional law, I fully support Professor Sadurski. In Brazil, we have been going through times of authoritarianism and attacks on academic freedow , as well
Pedro Serrano, Professor na Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo
Ertug Tombus
Humboldt Universität zu Berlin
William A. Edmundson, Regents’ Professor of Law and Professor of Philosophy, Georgia State University (USA)
Barbara Grabowska-Moroz, University of Groningen, postdoc
Christian Hiebaum, University of Graz
Peter Schulte, Bielefeld University
Kinch Hoekstra, Chancellor’s Professor of Law and Political Science, University of California, Berkeley
Katarzyna Jezierska, University West, Sweden
Clara Rauchegger, University of Innsbruck
I would like to sign the letter of support – Jason Stanley, Jacob Urowsky Professor of Philosophy, Yale
Hylton White
Senior Lecturer in Social Anthropology
University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg
Evan Jovon Morrison, predoctoral candidate, University of Colorado-Denver
Roger Schoenman, University of California, Santa Cruz
Olga Wysocka, Zacheta – National Gallery of Art
Claudiu Tufis, University of Bucharest
Hubert Tworzecki, Associate Professor of Political Science, Emory University, Atlanta.
In full support.
Svetlana S. Bodrunova, St.Petersburg State University
Louise Glover, University of Sheffield
Carole Lyons, Law School, RGU Aberdeen
Aleksandra Gliszczynska-Grabias, Institute of Law Studies, Polish Academy of Sciences
Antoine Buyse, professor of Human Rights, Utrecht University
Mariano García-Pechuán, Profesor Titular, Universitat de València, Spain
I’m also committed to the support of the valiant efforts by Prof. Dr. Sadurski as debellator against the autoritarian downspiralling so sadly ongoing in Poland !/ Hiermit möechte meine uneingeschränkte Solidarität zu unseren Kollegen, Herrn Prof. Dr. Sadurski, aussprechen. Der autoritären Sackgasse in Poland soll man eine klare Absage erteilen !
Andrei A. Buckareff, Associate Professor of Philosophy and Co-Director of the Cognitive Science Program, Marist College, Poughkeepsie, New York, USA
Natasha Wilson, University College London
In full support
Kevin W. Gray, Osgoode Hall Law School
Andrés Moles, Central European University
Michael Marten, University of Strathclyde, Scotland
Rui Miguel Pereira, EHESS
Simon Drugda, University of Copenhagen
Henry Reichman, chair, AAUP Committee on Academic Freedom and Tenure; Professor Emeritus of History, California State University, East Bay
Prof. Dr. Bernhard W. Wegener, Public and European Law, Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuremberg
Claudina Richards, University of East Anglia
Professor Brigid Laffan
Robert Schuman Centre
EUI, Florence
Aoife Nolan
Professor of International Human Rights Law, School of Law, University of Nottingham, United Kingdom
I would like to sign. Prof. Kevin Jon Heller, Associate Professor of International Law at the University of Amsterdam and Professor of Law at the Australian National University.
Channa Samkalden
Partner, Prakken d’Oliveira Human Rights Lawyers, Amsterdam
Dorothee Bohle, European University Institute
Scary when academics who preach the rule of law re under attack by their own states
Mark Weinstein, University of Southern California (Emeritus)
Natalie Davidson
Buchmann Faculty of Law
Tel aviv University
In solidarity
Renata Nagamine, Federal University of Bahia (Universidade Federal da Bahia – UFBA)
Adam Ganz
Royal Holloway University of London
in support of Prof. Dr. Sadurski
Maxim Bönnemann, Humboldt University, Berlin
Robert Schütze, Durham University and College of Europe
Matthew H. Kramer
Professor of Legal & Political Philosophy, Cambridge University; Fellow of Churchill College, Cambridge; Fellow of the British Academy
Wojciech Sadurski you have my utmost support
Lando Kirchmair, University of Salzburg, Bundeswehr University Munich
Kata Moravecz, University College London
Lars Vinx, University of Cambridge
UNC Chapel Hill
Coel Kirkby
University of Sydney Law School
Ned Block, Silver Professor, Department of Philosophy, New York University
Roger L. Albin, MD
University of Michigan
Full support the critical approach of prof. dr. Sadurski.
Heleen Janssen
University of Cambridge
Computer Science and Technology
Stijn Smismans, Professor of law, Cardiff University
Vassilis P. Tzevelekos, Senior Lecturer in Law, University of Luiverpool
full support math
I wish to add my support to the defense of Professor Sadurski and against this official harassment he is enduring.
David Bartolec
American Citizen
Jonathan Parry
Department of Philosophy
The University of Birmingham
Catherine Morris
Adjunct Professor, Faculty of Law
Univesrity of Victoria, Canada
Alexander Kirshner
Duke University
I am very grateful to Professor Wojciech Sadurski for all his efforts to defend rule of law in Poland. He enjoys full support of Polish independet lawyers and academic community.
Alexander Somek
University of Vienna
Akritas Kaidatzis, Assistant professor of constitutional law, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
Werner Haslehner
Professor of Law
University of Luxembourg
I fully support her.
David Owen, Professor of Social and Political Philosophy, University of Southampton.
Maxim Timofeev
Associate Professor
European Humanities University
Richard Moorhead, Professor of Law and Professional Ethics, UCL, London.
Luke Moffett Queens University Belfast
Colm O’Cinneide
Professor of Law
Aaron Garrett
Boston University
Uladzislau Belavusau,
Senior Researcher at the T.M.C. Asser Institute (The Hague) / University of Amsterdam
Professor Donncha O’Connell,
School of Law,
NUI Galway,
Márta Pardavi, co-chair, Hungarian Helsinki Committee
Iseult Honohan, University College Dublin
Steven French
University of Leeds
Leeds, UK
In a democratic country like Poland, at the heart of the European Union, there is no place for the curtailment of the freedom of expression and the academic freedom of the highly respected scholar that Prof. Sadurski is.
Aušra Padskočimaitė, Uppsala University, Sweden
Sarah Poss
University of Amsterdam
David Mead
Professor of UK Human Rights Law
University of East Anglia
Daniel Butt, Balliol College, University of Oxford
Benedikt Pirker, University of Fribourg (CH)
Belinda Smith
University of Sydney Law School
University of Sydney
Marta Andhov
Faculty of Law
University of Copenhagen
Eleanor Spaventa
School of law
Bocconi University Milan Italy
Thomas Hurka
Department of Philosophy
University of Toronto
Solidarnosc inspired many to strive for freedom in Europe and around the world. This legacy of Poland cannot be tainted by the attempts to have academic freedom of speech curtailed. It is simply a reminder that these attempts will fail miserably.
I fully support prof. Sadurski.
Bartosz Pilecki, PhD
Institute of Molecular Medicine, Odense, Denmark
Marco Bassini
Law Department
Bocconi University, Milan
New York University
Professor Tim Stephens, Professor of International Law and Australian Research Council Future Fellow, University of Sydney Law School, Australia
I support and admire prof. Wojciech Sadurski for his activities for democracy, human rights and fundamental freedoms.
I support Professor Sadurski’s freedom of speech and commend his courage.
Sergio Verdugo
Associate Professor of Law
Universidad del Desarrollo, Chile.
Piotr Mikuli, Jagiellonian University
Roberto Miccú, Professor of Public Law, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy
Helen Irving,
Professor of Law,
The University of Sydney Law School
John Oberdiek, Rutgers University
Oana Stefan King’s College London
Dr Madeline Taylor
The University of Sydney Law School
Andrew Sepielli
Department of Philosophy
University of Toronto
I support prof. Wojciech Sadurski.
Euan MacDonald, University of Edinburgh.
Russell Blackford, School of Humanities and Social Science, University of Newcastle
I support my colleague’s freedoms of expression and academic inquiry. It is disturbing and ironic that the current government in Poland is clamping down on such freedoms in a way reminiscent of the totalitarian regime of the communist era.
I support Professor Wojciech Sadurski and the values he stands for.
Professor Roger Magnusson
Professor of Health Law & Governance
University of Sydney Law School
I fully support the position taken by our colleague Prof Wojciech Sadurski.
Emeritus Professor,The University of Sydney Law School
Holly Cullen, Adjunct Professor of Law, University of Western Australia
Ed Couzens, Associate Professor of Environmental Law, University of Sydney Law School
Dr Belinda Reeve, Senior Lecturer
The University of Sydney Law School
Grant Hooper, The University of Sydney Law School
Krzysztof Nienartowicz, University of Geneva
I stand with Professor Sanduski. Agnes Bende-Farkas Research Institute for Linguistics HAS
Dr Kate Owens, The University of Sydney Law School.
Joris Larik, Leiden University
Daniel Joyce, Faculty of Law, UNSW Sydney
Viktor Olivér Lőrincz, Junior Research Fellow, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Centre for Social Sciences, Institute for Legal Studies
I support Prof Sadursky
Jason Harris
Professor of Corporate Law
The University of Sydney
Anne Twomey, University of Sydney
Eric Fripp
Barrister, Lamb Building, Temple, London EC4Y and Visiting Fellow, Refugee Law Initiative, School of Advanced Study, University of London
Dr. Matthew Lister
Senior Lecturer, Deakin University School of Law
Melbourne, Australia
Murray Lee, Professor of Criminology, University of Sydney Law School.
In full support
The actions against Prof Sadurski are serious, and deplorable.
Jacqueline Mowbray, Associate Professor, The University of Sydney Law School
Farrah Ahmed, Associate Professor, Melbourne Law School
Shae McCrystal, Professor of Labour Law, The University of Sydney Law School
Colin King, University of Sussex
Professor Kimberlee Weatherall, Professor of Law and Associate Dean (Research), The University of Sydney Law School
I agree with the content of the open later.
Pedro A. Caminos
Facultad de Derecho
Universidad de Buenos Aires
Professor Gail Mason, Professor of Criminology, The University of Sydney
Rebecca Ruth Gould, University of Birmingham
Rosemary Grey, University of Sydney Postdoctoral Fellow, The University of Sydney Law School
Professor Rosemary Lyster, Professor of Climate and Environmental Law, The University of Sydney Law School
Professor of Socio-legal Research & Policy, The University of Sydney Law School
Leitner Professor of Philosophy and International Affairs, Yale University.
Bing Ling, Professor of Chinese Law, The University of Sydney Law School
Jahnavi Sindhu, Yale Law School(2018)
Nicole Graham, The University of Sydney
Marco Rizzi, Senior Lecturer, University of Western Australia Law School
Dariusz G. Jagielski, citizen of Poland.
Jane McAdam, Scientia Professor of Law, University of NSW
I fully support my colleague in his struggles for justice.
Tanya Mitchell
Senior Lecturer
University of SYDNEY Law School
With admiration for his courage and determination.
Jan Klabbers
University of Helsinki
Jerzy Zajadło, Professor of Legal Philosophy, University of Gdańsk
Katarzyna Blay-Grabarczyk, Faculty of Law and Political Science, Univerity of Montpellier
Antony Duff, Professor Emeritus, University of Stirling
Pavlos Eleftheriadis, Professor of Public Law, University of Oxford
Jorrit Rijpma, Leiden Law School
Martti Koskenniemi,
Professor of International Law
István Földes, Wigner Research Centre for Physics of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
Ruben de Graaff, Leiden Law School
Eva Pils, Professor of Law, King’s College London
Nina Lueck
University College London
Päivi Leino-Sandberg
Professor of Transnational European Law
Deputy Director, Erik Castrén Institute of International Law and Human Rights
University of Helsinki
Andrzej Rzonca, Warsaw School of Economics
Louise Boon-Kuo, University of Sydney Law School.
Maria Varaki
Lecturer in Int’l Law
King’s College Londin
I wanna suport Mr. Sadurski. I am retired, Wroclaw University, Poland.
Rowan Nicholson, University of Sydney Law School
I support Prof Sadursky
Univ.-Prof. i.R. Dr. Dieter Segert, Vienna University, Institute of Political Science
Laura Pineschi
Professor of International Law
University of Parma
In support of freedom of opinion and a free judiciary.
Pablo Castillo-Ortiz
Lecturer in Law, University of Sheffield (UK)
Michael Murez, Nantes University
Piet Eeckhout
Dean and Professor of EU law
Faculty of Laws
University College London
Juliette Kennedy, University of Helsinki
I fully support this letter
Professor of Philosophy, Lund University and the University of British Columbia.
Reader in Criminal Law
King’s College London
Wojciech, you’re among the smartest legal scholars have ever met. You have the courage of your commitment to truth and honesty. I fully support this letter.
Arthur Dyevre
Professor and Director of the Centre for Legal Theory and Empirical Jurisprudence
University of Leuven
Professor European fundamental rights
University of Antwerp
Stefan Theil, University of Oxford
Richard Collins
Lecturer in International Law
University College Dublin
Jonathan Turner, University of Oxford
William J. Bridge
Professor Emeritus
Dedman School of Law
Southern Methodist University
Dallas, Texas USA
Abdurrachman Satrio, Researcher Center for State Policy Studies Padjadjaran University.
Monica Claes, Maastricht University
I support
Luísa Cristin Pinto e Netto
Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Minas Gerais
David Garland
Professor of law and Sociology
Esra Demir-Gürsel
Freie Universität Berlin
Marcin Matczak, University of Warsaw
Institute of Philosophy of the Czech Academy of Sciences
I support this letter.
Andrew Hurrell
Montague Burton Professor of International Relations
Oxford University
Edmond J. Safra Center for Ethics, Tel Aviv University
Marko Milanovic, Professor of Public International Law, University of Nottingham
For Freedom of Speech,
Marie-Claire Ponthoreau
Professor of constitutional Law and Comparative Law
University of Bordeaux (France)
Vesco Paskalev, lecturer at the University of Hull and former student of prof. Sadurski’s
Ladislav Vyhnánek, Faculty of Law, Masaryk University
Alyssa King, Queen’s University
Alvin Y.H. Cheung, New York University
I agree
Carlos Bichet
JSD Candidate
University of Notre Dame
Mathieu Carpentier, Faculty of Law, Toulouse University
Professor of Company Law and Corporate Governance, University of Sheffield, UK
Tara Van Ho, University of Essex School of Law and Human Rights Centre
Diego Acosta, Reader University of Bristol
Wim Muller, Maastricht University
Christoph Möllers
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
David Landau, Florida State University College of Law
Mark A. Graber
Regents Professor
University of Maryland Carey School of Law
Laurence R. Helfer,
Harry R. Chadwick, Sr. Professor of Law
Duke University, USA
New York University
Eva Kocher, Europa-Universität Viadrina
David S. Law
University of Hong Kong and Washington University in St. Louis
Agnieszka Bień-Kacała, Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń
My full and unconditional support to my former PhD supervisor!
Aziz Z. Huq, University of Chicago Law School.
Giuseppe Martinico, Associate Professor of Comparative Public Law, Scuola Sant’Anna, Pisa
Carlos Bernal
Colombian Constitutional Court
I support professor Sadurski’s right to criticize the Polish government.
Alexandra Kemmerer
Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law
Emilio Peluso Neder Meyer
Federal University of Minas Gerais, Brazil
Iyiola Solanke
Professor in EU Law and Social Justice
University of Leeds
Barry Friedman, New York University School of Law
Thomas Sedelius, Professor of Political Science, Dalarna University
Roberto Niembro Professor of constitutional Law ITAM
Helen Hershkoff, Herbert M. and Svetlana Wachtell Professor of Constitutional Law and Civil Liberties, New York University Law School
I support Professor Sadurski.
Lewis Kornhauser, Frank Henry Sommer Professor of Law, New York University
Timea Drinoczi, Professor, University of Pécs, Kenyatta University, Nairobi
I would like to sign:
Barry Sullivan
Cooney & Conway Chair and Professor of Law
Loyola University Chicago School of Law
Daniel Reimers,
The Democratic Control of Armed Forces (DCAF)
Alan Brudner, Faculty of Law, University of Toronto
I fully support Professor Sadurski
Margit Cohn, Henry J. and Fannie Harkavy Chair in Comparative Law, Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Stephen Gardbaum
MacArthur Foundation Professor of International Justice & Human Rights,
UCLA School of Law
I support the right of free speech and the right to criticize a government
I am happy to support Professor Sadurski for his brave defense of liberal democracy against those who would destroy it.
Sanford Levinson, University of Texas Law School
Inger-Johanne Sand, professor of Public Law, University of Oslo
Eleni Frantziou, Durham Law School, University of Durham
Nik de Boer, Law Faculty, University of Amsterdam
I sign it.
I support Professor Sadurski and the rights of all to free speech for political criticism.
Ian Lee, Faculty of Law, University of Toronto
In defense of academic freedom and democratic values. No voice should be silenced by authoritarian threats
Andrej Lang, Martin-Luther University Halle-Wittenberg
I support the petition for our colleague W. Sadurski.
Francisco Forrest Martin, fmr. Ariel F. Sallows Professor of Human Rights, University of Saskatchewan College of Law
I support this effort and Professor Sadurski.
Zachary Elkins, University of Texas
I support the letter
Tom Ginsburg, University of Chicago Law School
Jelena von Achenbach
Junior Professor of Public Law, Justus-Liebig-University Giessen
In full support.
Ian Leigh, Professor of Law, Durham University
Thomas Poole, London School of Economics
I admire Wojciech Sadurski’s courage in standing up against the onset of authoritarian government in a European Union Member State
James Gathii, Wing Tat-lee Chair in International Law, Loyola University Chicago School of Law
Marcela Prieto Rudolphy
JSD Candidate, NYU
I support this action
Mohammad Fadel, Professor, Faculty of Law, University of Toronto Faculty of Law
Eman Muhammad Rashwan, Hamburg University.
András Jakab, Professor of Constitutional Law, University of Salzburg
Lencka Popravka – Université de Grenoble
Leena Grover, Associate Professor of International Law, Tilburg Law School
University of Wrocław, Poland
American University, Washington D.C., USA
Tony Anghie, National University of Singapore and University of Utah
ITAM (Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México) Associate Professor of Constitutional Law
Conrado Hübner Mendes, Faculty of Law, University of São Paulo
Ernest J. Weinrib
University Professor and
Cecil A. Wright Professor of law
University of Toronto
Víctor Ferreres Comella, Professor of Constitutional Law, Pompeu Fabra University
Christian Munthe
Professor of practical philosophy,
University of Gothenburg,
Jorge Contesse, Rutgers Law School
Martijn Hesselink
Professor of European private law
University of Amsterdam
Luis Meneses do Vale
University of Coimbra, Portugal
Marta Morvillo – University of Amsterdam
Nico Krisch, Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, Geneva
Professor Michelle Everson (Birkbeck) – Solidarity with you Prof Sadurski: the struggle is now Europe-wide, and extends to the States. Let us join together to put the extreme and criminal right back in the box where it belongs. #FPHD, #Facciamorete, #FPBE,#FBR
It is difficult to understand all the nuances of this affair, however if Prof. Sadurski is advocating Muslim and third-world migration to Poland than I pray that the cases against him are executed to their fullest extent according to the law.
You cannot promote a dilution of the Polish “spirit” without repercussions — Polish people have always been united against their many external aggressors to overcome and survive, and if the enemy is now within itself it must be dealt with by the law as the charges warrant in this particular instance.
I cannot support freedom of speech whilst ignoring that such a freedom comes with the responsibility to act in the best interests of the country which extends it. A country — which it is appropriate to remember — educated Prof. Sadurski for free, gave him and his family free medical, and protected him from hostile forces.
History means something in the present, and whilst a country can suspend its historical animosity between other nations, empires and theocracies it is obvious that democracy is a failed system of political organisation, and an even, authoritarian hand is required to advance the country fairly and keep the rabble in line.
I pray for PiS and Poland’s Sejm, that they maintain the spirit which has seen Poland through the darkest times imaginable, and can only hope that Prof. Sadurski answers for his crimes and liabilities as the circumstances permit.
G_D Bless Poland forever,
Dawid Chone
Student-at-Law (LPAB)
Postscript: “Humans Are Speeding Extinction and Altering the Natural World at an ‘Unprecedented’ Pace” because of democracy, because America has lied to the world by saying that you can all live “free” like we do, however if you strip away the word “freedom” from their top-selling ticket item you get the word “rape”; rape of the natural world, rape of its citizens, rape of its sacred traditions and rape of its inherent identity.
Postscript II: The answer is ideal Leninism.
Robert Fishman, Carlos III University
Dr Eoin O’Dell, Fellow and Associate Professor, School of Law, Trinity College, Dublin 2, Ireland
Thank you for your courage Wojciech!
I sign this petition in support of Professor Sadurski.
Judy Walsh, Equality Studies, University College Dublin
In solidarity with, and support of, Professor Sadurski.
Maria Fletcher
Senior Lecturer in European Law, University of Glasgow
Heinrich Schmitz, Rechtsanwalt, Autor bei DieKolumnisten
In support of Professor Sandurski
Barbara Warwas, The Hague University of Applied Sciences
Cora Chan, University of Hong Kong
In support of Professor Sadurski
Tel Aviv University
Matthew Hoye, Vrije University Amsterdam
Anthony Staines
School of Nursing and Human Sciences
Dublin City University, Dublin, Ireland.
Urfan Khaliq
Head of Law
Cardiff University
The harassment of Professor Sadurski demeans the Polish nation. It must stop.
Per Kraulis, Ph.D.
Stockolm University
Mila Versteeg, University of Virginia School of Law
James Fowkes
University of Muenster, Germany
Andrea Büchler, Professor for private and comparative law, University of Zurich
Laura Zoboli, University of Warsaw
Dominik Rennert, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Micah Schwartzman, University of Virginia School of Law
Csongor Kuti, University of Arts, Targu-Mures, Romania
I support Wojciech Sadurski
Christopher Woodard
Associate Professor of Philosophy
University of Nottingham
Grzegorz Ekiert, Laurence A. Tisch Professor of Government, Harvard University
Paul Blokker, Universita’ di Bologna, Charles University
Jeff King
Professor of Law
University College London
Andreas Follesdal, Professor of Political Philosophy, Co-Director PluriCourts, Faculty of Law, University of Oslo
Marcin Menkes
Warsaw School of Economics
Alison Pert
University of Sydney Law School
In full support.
Matjaž Tratnik, professor at the University of Maribor, Slovenia
In full support of prof. Sadurski and the freedom of speech.
Pablo de Greiff, New York University.
In full support.
Petra Weingerl, University of Maribor, Slovenia
With support
Jannemieke Ouwerkerk, Leiden University
I support Prof Sadurski’s freedom of speech as much as that of anyone else in Poland.
In full support of Professor Sadurski
Eleanor Fox
New York University School of Law
Carlos Closa Montero, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (Madrid) and STG-EUI (Florence)
Eyal Benvenisti, University of Cambridge
Miguel Poiares Maduro
Professor and Director School of Transnational Governance, European University Institute
Harm Schepel, Kent Law School
In support of prof. Sadurski
Matthew Burton, University of Bristol
Brian H. Bix, Frederick W. Thomas Professor of Law and Philosophy, University of Minnesota
David A.J. Richards
Edwin D. Webb Professor of Law
New York University
Dr Angela Daly
Chinese University of Hong Kong Faculty of Law/Strathclyde University Faculty of Law
Full and firm support.
Professor Peter Leuprecht, Montreal, former Director of Human Rights and Deputy Secretary-General, Council of Europe
Kerry Rittich
Faculty of Law, University of Toronto
Emeritus Professor Stephen Gaukroger
Professor of History of Philosophy and History of Science
University of Sydney
In full support.
Imelda Deinla
School of Regulation and Global Governance
Australian National University
Nick Cheesman
Fellow, Department of Political and Social Change, Australian National University
Veronica L. Taylor
Professor of Law and Regulation
Australian National University
Oscar Monaghan
University of Sydney
Avv.Marinella Baschiera, Lawyer, Florence, Italy
I support this petition as a citizen of Poland.
vera karam de chueiri
Federal University of Paraná
Prof. Russell G. Pearce, Fordham University School of Law
Agnieszka Nimark, Cornell University
Marcin Betkier
Faulty of Law
Victoria University of Wellington
“Sapere auso!” for Wojciech Sadurski!
Giuseppe Mazziotti, Trinity College Dublin & New York University (EU Fulbright Scholar)
Amnon Reichman
Faculty of Law
University of Haifa
NYU School of Law
James Penner, Kwa Geok Choo Professor of Property Law, National University of Singapore
Wojciech, the global community of academics and lawyers stands with you against these pathetic efforts at persecution. In all solidarity,
We salute your courageous stand in defence of free speech and intellectual freedom in the face of those who seek to subvert the legal system by trying to use it to silence you. Truth and justice will in the end prevail.
Youngjae Lee
Professor of Law
Fordham University School of Law
New York, NY, USA
Theunis Roux
Professor of Law
UNSW Sydney
Tamara Tulich
Senior Lecturer
UWA Law School
Anna Grzymala-Busse
Stanford University
Nasia Hadjigeorgiou
Assistant Professor in Transitional Justice and Human Rights
University of Central Lancashire, Cyprus
Michael Douglas
University of Western Australia
Matthias Bäcker
Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz
Murray Wesson
University of Western Australia
Fiona McGaughey
University of Western Australia
Femke Gremmelprez, Ghent University
Rain Liivoja, Associate Professor, TC Beirne School of Law, University of Queensland
University of California, Santa Barbara
Dylan Lino
University of Western Australia
Joana Mendes
University of Luxembourg
Michael Arjun Banerjee
Third-Year Student
Harvard Law School
Gila Stopler
College of Law and Business, Israel
Christian Boulanger
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Zoran Oklopcic
Department of Law and Legal Studies
Carleton University
Ottawa, Canada
Aneta Wiewiórowska
European Legal Studies Institute
Osnabrück University
Michaela Hailbronner
Professor of Public Law and Human Rights
University of Giessen
Cameron Stewart
Professor of Law
University of Sydney
Giuseppe Franco Ferrari
Full Professor of Costitutional Law
Università Bocconi, Milano, Italy.
In full support of this letter
David Bilchitz
Professor of Fundamental Rights and Constitutional Law, University of Johannesburg; Director, South African Institute for Advanced Constitutional, Public, Human Rights and International Law; Secretary-General, International Association of Constitutional Law
Sacha Garben
Professor of EU law
College of Europe, Bruges
In full support to Wojciech Sadurski!
Edoardo Chiti
Università della Tuscia
Professor of Law, University of Graz
Stephen Loffredo
Professor of Law
City University of New York
Marta Bucholc
University of Bonn/University of Warsaw
In support of professor Sadurski! Stefania Baroncelli, Professor of Law, Free University of Bozen/Bolzano
Anna Rakowska-Trela, Uniwersytet Łódzki
In full support of this letter.
In support – Georgios Papanicolaou, Teesside University, UK
Professor Peer Zumbansen
Transnational Law Institute, King’s College London & Osgoode Hall Law School, Toronto
Tiago Fidalgo de Freitas, University of Lisbon School of Law / Lisbon Centre for Research in Public Law
Director, Centre for International and Public Law, Australian National University
Ingrid Leijten, Leiden University, the Netherlands / Friedrich Alexander University Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany
Gaurav Mukherjee, Central European University
Fully support to Prof.Sadurski
Professor Sadurski is fighting for the academic freedom and I support him fully
Olivier BEAUD
Professor of public law (Univ. Paris II)
I fully join in support of Prof. Sadurski.
Sabine Gless, Universität Basel
Katie Young, Associate Professor, Boston College Law School
In full support of this letter. In the recent publication that I have edited “The crisis of the Rule of Law in the EU”, Eurasia Publications (ISBN-978-618-5027-93-3) with the participation of distinguished colleagues from Poland and Hungary, I highlighted the courage of our fellow colleagues. All our support to Professor Sadurski.
This is deeply disturbing.
Prof Sadurski is a champion of human rights, democracy, and the Rule of Law, and the Polish Government, his Polish compatriots and all Europeans and freedom-loving people should rejoice in and support his scholarly and other contributions.
His case is symptomatic of the growing attacks on fundamental freedoms including academic freedom and advocacy for human rights and justice. It underlines the importance of efforts such as Scholars At Risk and the urgency for solidarity.
I fully support this letter.
Clemens Rieder, Queen’s University Belfast
Alejandro Chehtman, Professor of Law, Universidad Torcuato Di Tella
Professor Sadurski is a brilliant Polish scholar and a life-long defender of democratic values. I support him wholeheartedly.
Prof. Dr. Sergiusz Michalski
University of Tübingen
i.a. Academia Europaea,Polska Akademia Umiejetnosci, Royal Swedisch Academy of Literature
Professor Martha Jackman
Faculty of Law, University of Ottawa
I join the other members of the editorial board of the European Law Journal in signing the letter: Daniel Thym, University of Konstanz
This a shameful attack. I fully support W. Sadurski
Francesco Francioni
Professor Emeritus, European University Institute, Florence
and LUISS University, Rome
I add my name.
Rob Howse, New York University School of Law.
In solidarity with Professor Sadurski.
Mark E. Herlihy, former Deputy Director, Institute of International Economic Law, and former Adjunct Professor, Georgetown Law
I agree with Olivier Beaud; this is an attack on academic freedom.
In full support of this letter and in solidarity with Professor Sadurski.
Tomasz Drabowicz, University of Lodz (Uniwersytet Łódzki)
Piotr Zagórski, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Dana Schmalz, Universität Bremen
Régis Bismuth, Professor, Sciences Po Law School
Ian Robinson
Lecturer & Research Scientist
University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
Lucila de Almeida
University of Helsinki and Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies (EUI)
Evgenia Lezina, Department “Communism and Society”, Centre for Contemporary History Potsdam
Dr Melanie O’Brien
UWA Law School
University of Western Australia
Micah Burch
Senior Lecturer
Sydney Law School
Holning Lau, Willie P. Mangum Distinguished Professor of Law, University of North Carolina School of Law
Aleksandr Popov, Lecturer, Department of Management, Estonian Business School
Helmut Aust
Freie Universität Berlin
Grażyna Baranowska
Institute of Law Studies, Polish Academy of Sciences
Prof. Diana-Urania Galetta, Università degli Studi di Milano
Jana Ondřejková
Faculty of Law, Charles University
Professor of Law, Warsaw
Lecturer in European Law, University of Maastricht
Prof Ruti Teitel
Ernst C Stiefel Professor of Comparative Law
New York Law School
Krystyna Kowalik-Bańczyk
Institute of Law Studies, Polish Academy of Sciences
Holger Afflerbach
This is not the way that law should be used. Professor Sadurski adds to our understanding of the world, and the Polish government should – and in due course undoubtedly will – be ashamed of its actions.
Ed Bates, Leicester Law School
Christopher Nairn, NYU School of Law, LL.M ‘14
Stephen Griffin
Professor, Tulane Law School
Bastiaan Bouwman
London School of Economics and Political Science
Mariana Rezende Oliveira
Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais
Patrycja Dabrowska-Klosinska, Queen’s University Belfast and University of Warsaw
Agnieszka Grzelak, Koźmiński University, Chair of International and EU Law, Warsaw
Aleksandra Sarna, assistant professor, Pedagogical University of Cracow
Andrea McDowell
Seton Hall University Law School
Damian Chalmers, National University of Singapore
Adrienne Stone, Redmond Barry Distinguished Professor, University of Melbourne. President, International Association of Constitutional Law.
Joel Gonzalez
Fordham University School of Law
Stéphanie Hennette Vauchez, Université of Paris Nanterre (Centre de théorie et analyse du droit)
Gracia Marin Duran, University College London, Faculty of Laws
Jud Mathews
Professor of Law
Penn State Law
I wonder how many or above brave advocats of mr Sadurski have ever read his words . I think none of them are even tried to understand his words of hate against polish government and majority of polish population which in free elections have won their right to rule Polish country according with promises their laid in election time. And they keep their promise to make changes in nations way of living for better future of all older , mature and polish children. The present polish government has done nothing to deserve this comments and words of criticizm . You all are invited to see Poland today and better learn some polish language to understand what is going on every day i Poland . You all will be amaized and ashamed of Your words of support for Your college Mr Sadurski . So come over or see on Your eys how the trouth realy looks like.
I would like to sign and support Prof Sadursky.
Emanuela Orlando, University of Sussex.
Ronald Janse, Open University, Netherlands
I fully suppprt Sadurski
In full support of Prof. Wojciech Sadurski. Agnieszka Janczuk, Utrecht University
Fully supported. Lukasz Gorywoda, VVGB Advocaten/Avocats
Anca AILINCAI, Professor, Université Grenoble-Alpes
Silje Aambø Langvatn
PluriCourts, University of Oslo
Carmen E. Pavel, Senior Lecturer, King’s College London
I am strongly condemning the harassment against Prof Sadurski. It is definitely an attack on freedom of expression and independence of academia. In solidarity with the community endorsing the open letter. Ridwanul Hoque / Professor of Law, Dhaka University, Bangladesh and University Professorial Fellow, Charles Darwin University, Australia.
Artist, Bergen Norway
Dr Jörg Schaub, Lecturer in Philosophy, University of Essex.
Tomasz Milej
Kenyatta University, Nairobi, Kenya
University of Zielona Góra, Poland
Panie Profesorze, proszę się trzymać!
Iver Ørstavik, Senior Advisor, Rafto Foundation for Human Rights
Kristine Bærøe, University of Bergen
Juan A. Mayoral, iCourts, University of Copenhagen
I fully adhere to this letter in support of Wojciech Sadurski who is a courageous citizen and excellent academic!
Jacques Ziller
Professor of European Union Law, University of Pavia
In full support of Prof. Sadurski.
Jaroslaw Krupa, Honorary Lecturer, University of Leicester, UK
Nenad Dimitrijevic
Central European University, Budapest
Maciej Taborowski, University of Warsaw
Jacek Barcik, University of Silesia in Katowice
Maciej Zachariasiewicz, Kozminski University, Warsaw
Raphael Oidtmann, University of Mannheim
Marjan Ajevski
The Open University
No one should be punished for expressing his/her views on his/her government. Especially when such a view is also shared by many who are not heard as well as the prominent academic.
Richard Bellamy EUI UCL
Piotr Bogdanowicz
University of Warsaw
Nathan de Arriba-Sellier, PhD Candidate, Erasmus University Rotterdam & Leiden University
Urszula Iwaszczuk, University of Warsaw
Dr. Brendan Hogan, New York University
Julian Pascal Beier, Heidelberg University
Jaka Kukavica, European University Institute
Polska Akademia Nauk, Kraków, former employee of Yale University
Law Faculty, University of Amsterdam
I fully support prof.Sadurski
Ab Govers, former judge in the Netherlands
Hanna Sonkajärvi,
Professor of Legal History,
Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Marta Vicente, Católica Porto Law School
It’s been a long time since I sat on a panel with you, but I have not forgotten your devotion to intellectual enquiry; obviously, you have been put in an intolerable situation.
I support you in your stand for freedom.
I fully agree with this address of Support and send my feelings of solidarity to my dear colleague and friend Wojciech
I fully support the letter.
Geir Ulfstein, Professor of international law, University of Oslo
In full support
Jakob Vogel, Sciences Po Paris
In full support. Professor of International Law, Catholic University of Milan
Valentin Schatz, University of Hamburg
It is essential to resist any form of legal pressure against exercise of the fundamental right to comment on political issues.
Eric Carpano, Jean Monnet Chair, University of Lyon III
Jerfi Uzman, Professor of Constitutional Law, Utrecht University (NL)
In full support
Christophe Hillion, Universities of Leiden and Oslo
Raphaelle Thery, Assistant Professor, Université Paris II
Antoinette Scherz, PluriCourts, University of Oslo
Adam Lazowski, Professor of EU Law, University of Westminster, London, UK.
Martin Pniejnia-Olszynski
Associate Professor
University of Calgary Faculty of Law
Thomas Gschwend, University of Mannheim
Fabian Stroetges, Durham University
Andrea Scella Criminal Procedure Professor – Università degli Studi di Udine
Professor Katja Ziegler
Sir Robert Jennings Professor of International Law
Director of the Centre of European Law and Internationalisation (CELI)
University of Leicester
Andrew Altman
Department of Philosophy
Georgia State University USA
Leonard Besselink,Faculty of Law, University of Amsterdam
In solidarity and in support of academic freedom everywhere.
Sara Drake, Cardiff University
Justin Borg-Barthet, University of Aberdeen
Professor Sadurski’s treatment at the hands of the Polish government is outrageous. You have my full support, Wojciech!
Michał Araszkiewicz, Jagiellonian University in Kraków
Dr Marek Martyniszyn
Queen’s University Belfast
School of Law
Velimir Živković, KFG International Rule of Law, Humboldt University Berlin
Malcolm Jorgensen, KFG International Rule of Law, Humboldt University Berlin
Daniel Andler
Professor of philosophy emeritus, Sorbonne University
Académie des sciences morales et politiques
In support of Professor Wojciech Sadurski.
Max Steuer, Comenius University, Department of Political Science
Professor Maria Kruk-Jarosz, Lazarski University, Warsaw
Yet another attack on democratic values in Poland
I fully support the tenor and purpose of this letter.
I fully support the tenor and purpose of this letter.
I fully support the content of this letter.
Tom Flynn
Lecturer in Law
University of Essex
In the times of darkness let’s hope that there are still impartial judges in Poland.
Dr Julia Kapelańska-Pręgowska
Human Rights Chair
Nicolaus Copernicus University
School of Law
Giovanni Sartor
European University Institute of Florence
Alejandro Saiz Arnaiz
Jean Monnet Professor
Universitat Pompeu Fabra (Barcelona, Spain)
In a democratic society everyone has the right to express their views and concerns that may be controversial to some without fear of retribution. We, as free citizens, expect our governments to protect individual freedoms, such as free speech, rather than restrict them.
Alexander Tsesis, Loyola University School of Law, Chicago
Raymond and Mary Simon Chair of Constitutional Law and Professor of Law
Andrzej Winnicki, PhD, DSc,
Associate Professor
Cracow University of Technology
Deborah Whitehall,
The University of Sydney Law School.
I support a free press and a free judiciary and freedom of expression.
Chris Tam
Barrister, NSW Bar.
I support this letter.
Przemysław Zysk, PhD
alumnus at European University Institute
Rayner Thwaites, University of Sydney
Hans Lindahl, Tilburg University and Queen Mary University of London
Stanisław Biernat, Jagiellonian University, Cracow
Matthew Diller
Fordham University School of Law
New York City
Gemma Turton, University of Sydney Law School
In support of the open letter and with admiration for Professor Sadurski brilliant mind and academic courage
I support this letter and the esteemed Professor Sadurski. Joel Bakan, Allard School of Law, University of British Columbia
Amandine Garde
University of Liverpool, UK
Alvin Chen
Center for Political Thought, RCHSS, Academia Sinica, Taiwan
Marc De Leeuw,
School of Law,
University of New South Wales (Sydney)
Theresa Marr, Duquesne University School of Law
Australian Barrister
Egle Dagilyte, Senior Lecturer in Law, Anglia Ruskin University
Octaviano Padovese,Brazil, currently without filliantion
Melbourne Law School, Australia
Authoritarianism is growing all around using the arguments of the sovereignty of the people and elections as a camouflage. Meanwhile, freedom of expression is declining.
In support of Professor Wojciech Sadurski. In support of academic freedom
I add my name to this list compiled in support of Prof Sadurski.
I support Professor Wojciech Sadurski’s right to exercise academic freedom and free speech on matters of public interest and concern.
Kirsty Gover, Melbourne Law School
Malkhaz Nakashidze,
Batumi Shota Rustaveli State University, Georgia
Prof. Alejandro Rodiles
ITAM School of Law, Mexico City
I add my name to this list compiled in support of Prof Sadurski.
Professor Emerita, George Washington University
Washington DC
#With Woj
Karen J. Alter
Professor of Political Science and Law
Northwestern University and iCourts
Professor at the University of Louvain (Belgium)
Karen Kong, The University of Hong Kong
In support of Wojciech Sadurski. All forms of abusive use of government power to silence speech are dictatorship. All forms of dictatorship will fail and collapse.
— Ge Chen, assistant professor, Durham Law School
I support Professor Wojciech Sadurski’s right to exercise academic freedom and free speech on matters of public interest and concern.
Bashar H. Malkawi
Professor at University of Sharjah.
Espen D. H. Olsen, Associate Professor, Oslo Metropolitan University
Natalia Szablewska, Auckland University of Technology Law School, New Zealand
Professor, Auckland University of Technology
Craig Scott, Professor of Law, Osgoode Hall Law School of York University, Toronto
Charles University, Prague; Masaryk University, Brno
I support Professor Sadurski’s civic right to express his professionally-inspired views and judgments.
[…] realizing the values of Article 2 TEU? How would their removal from the Union benefit people like Wojd Sadurski (prosecuted for criticizing the Polish government) or judges such as Igor Tuleya (disciplined […]