Open Letter to the President of the European Commission
Open Letter to the President of the European Commission regarding Poland’s disciplinary regime for judges and the urgent need for interim measures in Commission v Poland (C-791/19)
Ever since the European Commission initiated a third infringement procedure in respect to the recurrent attacks on the rule of law by Polish authorities last April, the situation has continued to seriously deteriorate. We have now reached the unprecedented and frightening stage where Polish judges are being subject to harassment tactics in the form of multiple arbitrary disciplinary investigations, formal disciplinary proceedings and/or sanctions for applying EU law as interpreted by the ECJ or ‘daring’ to refer questions for a preliminary ruling to the Court of Justice.
In addition, Polish authorities are now openly challenging the authority of the rulings recently adopted by the ECJ and the not-yet-captured Labour and Social Security Chamber of the Supreme Court. These judgments concern both the Disciplinary Chamber of Poland’s Supreme Court, whose legality is being challenged in the pending infringement procedure previously mentioned, and the new National Council of the Judiciary, whose lack of independence had previously led to its suspension from the European Network of Councils for the Judiciary (ENCJ).
As representatives of non-governmental organisations and scholars specialising in matters relating to the rule of law and the protection of human rights, we write this open letter so as to urge you to take immediate steps to stop the rapidly increasing legal chaos in Poland.
As you yourself keep repeating, “there can be no compromise when it comes to respecting the rule of law”. This is why we are asking you to promptly submit to the European Court of Justice an application for interim measures in the infringement case C-791/19 Commission v Poland now pending before the Court of Justice. Without interim measures in place, Polish authorities evidently feel free to openly persecute judges who seek to apply and enforce EU law via the two institutions they de facto control: the Disciplinary Chamber and the National Council of the Judiciary.
The time has come to accept we are facing a situation in which EU law has broken down. Interim measures are called for before the situation gets worse and irreparable damage is done.
The prior Commission asked for interim measures in the case in which the government of Poland sought to capture the Supreme Court by retroactively lowering the retirement age of its judges (C-619/18 R). The Court of Justice agreed to grant the Commission’s request and Poland was ordered to maintain the status quo until the Court could rule in the matter.
Given that Polish authorities are now openly challenging the authority of ECJ case law and actively seeking to prevent Polish judges from applying EU law, while an infringement action that challenges their attempts to fatally undermine the independence of Polish judges through a new disciplinary regime is pending, fresh action is required. It is imperative to prevent the Commission from losing its ability to enforce any favourable ruling that it may eventually receive. Interim measures are therefore essential because, if Polish authorities succeed in intimidating and/or removing the judges who are most keen to apply EU law and to defend the rule of law more generally, it will be too late for the Commission’s pending infringement action to have any impact by the time the ECJ finds Poland to have violated – for the third time in a row – the principle of judicial independence.
This is why the Commission, in the context of interim proceedings, must request the Court to order Poland to immediately adopt the following interim measures:
– refrain from all activities, including preliminary disciplinary investigations or formal disciplinary proceedings with respect to judges on account of the content of their judicial decisions or requests for preliminary rulings;
– ensure both that the Disciplinary Chamber suspends all of its activities in light of the ECJ preliminary ruling (Joined cases C-585/18, C-624/18 and C-625/18) and the Supreme Court ruling finding it not to constitute a “court” within the meaning of EU and Polish law and that other authorities, including disciplinary officers and prosecutors, refrain from bringing actions to this chamber;
– ensure both that the President of the Disciplinary Chamber (or any person acting on behalf of the President) is no longer able to establish, on an ad-hoc basis and with an almost unfettered discretion, disciplinary courts of first instance to cases brought against ordinary court judges and that the disciplinary courts already established in this way refrain from considering cases and issuing judgments;
– ensure that the people appointed to the Disciplinary Chamber do not participate in the Supreme Court’s bodies – including the General Assembly of the Supreme Court Judges – in procedures intended to fill the office of the First President of the Supreme Court, which will be vacant in April 2020, or the presidents of the Supreme Court heading particular chambers;
– ensure that the National Council of the Judiciary refrains from nominating any new individual to be appointed as a judge, including to the Disciplinary Chamber, and – more generally – abstains from any action or statement which undermine the judicial independence of Polish judges.
We wish this open letter were not necessary. Sadly, it is well established that Polish authorities have deliberately ignored the Commission’s multiple recommendations ever since the Commission’s rule of law framework was activated in respect of Poland in January 2016. Rather than taking the rule of law dialogue as a warning and an invitation to return to the rule of law, the Polish authorities have instead intensified the repression of independent judges and prosecutors.
The Rubicon has now been crossed with Polish authorities actively and purposely organising non-compliance with the ruling of the Court of Justice of 19 November 2019 and the judgment of the Supreme Court of 5 December by claiming that neither the ruling of the Court of Justice nor the judgment of the Supreme Court are of any legal significance when it comes to the continuing functioning of the Disciplinary Chamber and the National Council of the Judiciary.
Poland’s ruling party’s strategy is clear: create faits accomplis and hide behind a veneer of legality if and when required by relying on the captured Constitutional Tribunal, the so-called Disciplinary or Extraordinary Control and Public Affairs Chambers, or the ENCJ-suspended Polish National Council of the Judiciary to in effect nullify the effect of EU law in Poland whenever convenient for the ruling party.
The attacks on judicial independence we are witnessing in Poland are unprecedented in the history of the EU and legal chaos is bound to ensue and spread because Polish authorities are openly and purposefully ignoring their duties and obligations as a matter of Polish as well as EU law. If not promptly addressed through interim measures, we have no doubt this will mark the beginning of the end of the EU’s common and interconnected legal order.
“A Europe that protects must also stand up for justice and for values. Threats to the rule of law challenge the legal, political and economic basis of our Union. The rule of law is central to President von der Leyen’s vision for a Union of equality, tolerance and social fairness,” says the European Commission’s website.
Time has come to put words into action by urgently applying for interim measures so as to preserve what is left of the rule of law in Poland while there is still time to prevent its complete abolition.
Yours faithfully,
Professor Laurent Pech, Middlesex University
Professor Kim Lane Scheppele, Princeton University
Professor Wojciech Sadurski, University of Sydney, University of Warsaw
Professor Alberto Alemanno, HEC Paris
Professor Leszek Balcerowicz, SGH Warsaw School of Economics
Professor Ryszard Balicki, University of Wrocław
Professor Petra Bárd, Central European University
Professor Gráinne de Búrca, New York University
Professor Paul Craig, University of Oxford
Dr Tom Gerald Daly, Melbourne School of Government
Dr Paweł Filipek, Kraków University of Economics
Professor Monika Florczak-Wątor, Jagiellonian University in Kraków
Professor Gábor Halmai, European University Institute
Professor R. Daniel Kelemen, Rutgers University
Professor Dimitry Kochenov, Groningen University
Professor Tomasz Tadeusz Koncewicz, University of Gdańsk
Professor Marcin Matczak, University of Warsaw
Professor John Morijn, Groningen University
Professor Steve Peers, University of Essex
Professor Sébastien Platon, Bordeaux University
Professor Tomasz Pietrzykowski, University of Silesia in Katowice
Professor Anna Rakowska-Trela, University of Łódź
Maximilian Steinbeis, Verfassungsblog
Professor Roman Wieruszewski, Polish Academy of Sciences
Professor Jerzy Zajadło, University of Gdańsk
Amnesty International
Association for the Defense of Human Rights in Romania – the Helsinki Committee (APADOR-CH)
Association of Judges “THEMIS” (Poland)
Bulgarian Helsinki Committee
Campaign Against Homophobia (KPH) (Poland)
Civil Development Forum (FOR) (Poland)
Civil Liberties Union for Europe (Liberties)
Estonian Human Rights Centre
Foundation Prof. Bronisław Geremek Centre (Poland)
Free Courts (Poland)
Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights (Poland)
Homo Faber (Poland)
Human Rights Monitoring Institute (Lithuania)
Human Rights Watch
Hungarian Helsinki Committee
Hungarian Civil Liberties Union
Italian Coalition for Civil Liberties and Rights (CILD)
Institute for Law and Society INPRIS (Poland)
Institute of Public Affairs (Poland)
International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH)
Irish Council for Civil Liberties
“Lex Super Omnia” Association of Prosecutors (Poland)
Open Dialogue Foundation
Open Society European Policy Institute (Belgium)
Panoptykon Foundation (Poland)
Polish Judges’ Association “Iustitia” (Poland)
Polish National Association of Judges of Administrative Courts (Poland)
Polish Society of Anti-Discrimination Law
Presidium of the Judges’ Cooperation Forum (Poland)
Professor Zbigniew Hołda Association (Poland)
Rafto Foundation for Human Rights (Norway)
Rights International Spain
Stefan Batory Foundation (Poland)
Wiktor Osiatyński Archive (Poland)
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Wir veröffentlichen aktuelle Analysen und Kommentare. Wir stoßen Debatten an. Wir klären auf über Gefahren für die Verfassung und wie sie abgewehrt werden können. In Thüringen. Im Bund. In Europa. In der Welt.
Dafür brauchen wir Ihre Unterstützung!
Defending Democracy
I fully supper!
I fully support!
Michał Przybylski
Anita Fogler, Warsaw.
Important initiative, we are happy to co-sign this open letter!
Christophe Hillion
The Polish association Obserwatorium Wyborcze (the Election Observatory) signs this letter. Could you, please, add our signature? I am the chairman of the management board of this association.
Very important initiative. I respectfully urge the Commission to consider and act on the letter as soon as possible – especially considering new law proposal (removing judges from office for implementing the CJEU rulings!)
Anna Wallerman Ghavanini
A.Drzemczewski, Strasbourg
Hans Petter Graver, University of Oslo
Thank you for having written his letter. This issue is o vital importance.
Prof Claudina Richards, University of East Anglia, UK
Happy to sign
I fully support the Open Letter.
Thank you for having written his letter. This issue is o vital importance.
Democracy and rule of law cannot be taken for granted. Populism and nationalism across the globe endangered them. We cannot be passive observers and must protect them. This is our watch.
Professor Gavin Barrett, University College Dublin.
Happy to sign
I support this innitiative.
I support fully this request
We need normal courts in Poland.
please add my name
Please help us defend democracy and freedom in Poland. Thank you
Just do it! #InterimMeasures
You are our last, best hope. #InterimMeasures
I support fully this request
#InterimMeasures @vonderleyen
I support this request with all my heart. Here in Poland people are fighting to keep democratic system and independent judiciary. Please help us
I support this request with all my heart. Here in Poland people are fighting to keep democratic system and independent judiciary. @vonderleyen
Jerzy Bona
Fr. 20 Dez.
I support this request!
I support this!!!!!!
I completely agree with this urgent call!
I support this innitiative.
I agree. We need UE in this case.
I support this innitiative
#InterimMeasures @vonderleyen
#InterimMeasures @vonderleyen
Bartosz Kuriata
Patent Attorney of the Republic of Poland
Supporting this letter
Help us, please. We want to be ruled by the law, but not that law, which allowes our government to steal and lie.
I fully support the letter. We need help. Our week and young democracy needs help.
Help us fight this new quasi-dictature! Most of the Polish people are blind to it but it doesn’t mean the EU can let this be like this or the whole Union might collapse, not only Poland! Help us and help yourselves!
Help to stop polxit.
Polish citizens cannot accept the fact that our government do not respect the UE law.Please, help us to defend democracy in Poland. Thank you
I fully support the open letter.
I fully support the letter
I fully support the letter
Please, help the Polish people to preserve freedom and democracy. You are their last hope. The ruling Party of Law and Order is a bunch of madmen, ready to destroy the country.
I fully support a letter
I fully support a letter
Prosimy. Pomóżcie nam, Polakom.
Please, help the Polish people to preserve freedom and democracy. You are their last hope. The ruling Party of Law and Order is a bunch of madmen, ready to destroy the country.
I fully support the letter. We need help.
Prosze pomoc Polakom zeby ta ustawa nie mogla i nie miala prawa obowiazywac w Polsce. Nie po to Polacy walczyli z komunizmem zeby teraz do niego wracac. Polac nie chca takich sadow jak byly kiedys chca WOLNYCH SADOW I WOLNYCH UCZCIWYCH SEDZIOW WE WSZYSTKICH INSTYTUCJACH PRAWA
I support this!
Ta ustawa doprowadzi do anarchii !
My full support! Moreover, what is going on in Poland deserves opinion as blowing up rule of law not “only” internally but posing a clear and present threat to the whole legal and political integrity of the EU.
I fully support the letter.
I support
I support this letter as a whole.
Supporto l’iniziativa
I fully support the open letter
I fully support the open letter.
I fully support the open letter
I support
I support
I support
I support
I support
Wolne sądy
I fully support the open letter
Trójpodział władzy właśnie legł w gruzach,potrzebujemy my Polacy pomocy że strony najwyższych władz Unii Europejskiej.
A concrete action from EU side can be the last chance to save the country. If not, Kaczyński takes over the last sector of the rule of law, which still holds independent from him.
Do Przewodniczącej Komisji Europejskiej,
Rządząca w Polsce partia “Prawo i Sprawiedliwość” dowiodła właśnie przegłosowując 20 grudnia 2019 roku nową ustawę, że nie zamierza się stosować do wyroku Trybunału Sprawiedliwości Unii Europejskiej, a stosujących się do niego sędziów zamierza represjonować. W tej sytuacji apeluję do Komisji Europejskiej, by wystąpiła do Trybunału Sprawiedliwości Unii Europejskiej o zastosowanie środków zabezpieczających niezależność sądów i niezawisłość sędziów w Polsce, zgodnie z rekomendacjami środowisk prawniczych.
Z poważaniem
Tadeusz Jakrzewski
Obywatele RP
I support
I fully support this request.
Jako obywatel Polski, a zarazem zjednoczonej Europy, proszę o pomoc w zatrzymaniu dewastacji polskiego sądownictwa.
Znaczenie instytucji Unii Europejskiej dla polskich spraw będzie rosło. Zarówno, jeśli chodzi o obronę ładu demokratycznego i prawnego (ile razy jeszcze przyjdzie upominać rząd polski, że łamie europejskie zasady, kierować sprawy do Trybunału, żądać wprowadzenia na zapisy polskiego prawa – środka tymczasowego) , jak i w sferze wspólnej, europejskiej polityki na rzecz rozwoju: od neutralności klimatycznej poczynając a na środkach dla Polski w przyszłym budżecie UE kończąc.
I was on strike in Gdańsk Shipyard during martial law on 13.12.1980, i fought for free Poland, and now i look with horror, when PiS is leading Poland out of the European Union …. Europe, we need your help!
We are fully supporting this initiative!
Democracy in Poland is becoming a thing of the past. The last phase of the attack on basic civil rights has begun. This is not the time for long analyzes and procedures, it is the time for concrete and, above all, effective actions.I fully support this statement.
lease help save #RuleofLaw in #Poland #InterimMeasures”
w pelni popieram
I fully support!
Save freedom in Poland, our supreme court & courts, we are part of European Union and we don’t want to back to communism regime of Jarosław Kaczyński and his puppets from Law&Justice party which are destroying everything (education, health care, supreme court, minor courts, retiring system) by law they stole money for them selves, their families and collegues, and catholic church or Tadeusz Rydzyk, to buy more votes in every elections to put their people everywhere (as for example directors of national corporations, scientific institiutes, museums, nationalagencies. More over they use public tv to accusing people which don’t accept their attack on the Constitution. Even they throwing away people from work or do problems if you don’t support Law&Justice party. They taking away our rights, even human rights. They hiding pedophilia in church and accusing LGBT community with far right wing and neo-fascists about pedoplilia.public Tv and the church and Law&Justice party dividing nation, to stole money from budget of the country or even from EU dotations etc. Soon we will law which alow them to do with everyone everything without defend of lawyer and impartial detached fair minded judge. Please help us.
I fully support
Happy to sign.Thank you for having written his letter. This issue is very important
I support!
Help to stop polxit!
Please help save #RuleofLaw in #Poland.
I fully support this Initiative.
Help us,please.
Help !!!
I fully support!
#InterimMeasures I fully support
Please, help us to stop a destruction of Polish courts and democracy
Jako obywatel Polski i europejczyk proszę o powstrzymanie demolki wymiaru sprawiedliwości w moim kraju.
Proszę w imieniu mojej rodziny o podjęcie odpowiednich prawnych zabezpieczeń, wobec łamania przez polski rząd oraz partię PiS wyroku Trybunału Sprawiedliwości. Dziś rządząca partia wzmogła represje wobec niezależnych sędziów – wobec czego takie zabezpieczenie jest konieczne, i to pilnie!
I support!
Please Ms @vonderlayen, act now – save the #RuleOfLaw in #Poland
i agree there is no future in this country
i hate kaczyzm in poland
Please help Poland regain the Rule of Law!