Verfassungsblog is a discourse platform and forum of debate for constitutionalists in Europe and beyond. We see ourselves as an interface between the scholarly expert discourse and the political public’s demand for informed opinion on topical matters of constitutional law and policy. We welcome article submissions. Please note that articles on Verfassungsblog are published under a Creative Commons licence (CC BY-SA).

Please consult our page “What we do” where we, inter alia, explain our process of quality control, our plagiarism policy, copyright,

FAQs for authors

What sort of articles is Verfassungsblog interested in?

We are always interested in well-written and thoughtful comment and analysis on topical events or developments (e.g. court decisions, legislation etc.) of constitutional law and policy. If you observe any of that in your field of research, you are warmly encouraged to submit a blog post. Just shoot us an email or a message on Twitter/Facebook, explaining briefly the relevance of the topic and your background as an expert. We’ll get back to you as quick as we can.

Is there a difference between a blog post and an academic paper?

Yes. In order to engage your readers, please keep your text accessible, particularly with regard to length. Most important: get straight to the point. No lengthy introduction like you’d usually be expected in a paper published in a traditional scientific journal. Tell your readers right away what is interesting about your article and why they should bother reading it. In the first paragraph, in the first sentence even.

What is the deadline?

As an online media, we can publish in principle 24/7, so there is no deadline in the strict sense of the term. Time is of the essence, however. You want to reach your audience when their demand for your expertise is highest. A comment on e.g. a court decision should be published ideally on the same day, the day after if that’s impossible, at any rate no later than by the end of the week.

Will my article be edited?

Yes, if necessary. We often make a considerable effort to improve your article. Please don’t be offended and consider this an offer. Our aim is to make sure your text has the impact it deserves. All substantial changes will be, of course, submitted to your consent before publication.

What about the title?

A Verfassungsblog post usually has a short, suggestive title (50 characters max) and a longer, more conclusive and descriptive subtitle (100 characters max). The short title should entice the curiosity of your readers, the combination of title and subtitle (e.g. „Three Steps Ahead, One Step Aside: the Advocate General’s Opinion in the
Commission v. Poland Case“) should look good as an entry in your publication list.

How should I refer to sources?

References are of course important and we encourage you to substantiate your claims that are not mere opinion and credit other authors whose ideas and research results you use for your argument – just like you would in any other scientific publication. As part of our editorial process we might thus ask you to add sources or make suggestions of our own. Again, any such suggestions will be submitted to your consent before publication. Footnotes or endnotes are possible, but if you refer to online resources please use hyperlinks (cmd+k) and refer to the DOI which may be different from the website’s URL.

What are the rules for originality and conflict of interest?

It pretty much goes without saying but just to be safe: Submissions must be original and owned by their authors. Authors must disclose if the article has been previously published or has been submitted elsewhere. Authors must not plagiarize in their submissions, of course. We request that authors give credit to the original sources of text, ideas, and pictures. We also expect that authors make potential conflicts of interest transparent. We accept articles by authors who write on their own or their client’s causes only in exceptional cases, and if so, with full disclosure.

How long should my text be?

Verfassungsblog posts usually have 1000 – 1500 words. We might ask you to shorten it if it has more than 2000 words.

What will my author profile look like?

We try to keep our author profiles brief: name, position, academic affiliation. The author profile includes a picture. We ask you to send us a licence-free high-resolution foto we can use for that purpose. Please make sure that you own the copyright or have the photographer’s explicit consent.

Can I publish my Verfassungsblog article elsewhere?

You are free to republish your article elsewhere. We welcome crossposting and do so ourselves quite often. Please make sure that the crossposted article includes a reference and a link to the original publication on Verfassungsblog.

Can I have a VG Wort Pixel included in my text?

Yes, just send us a VG Wort pixel and we will add it to your publication.

How do I submit my article?

If you wish to submit an article please send it as a text document to