06 April 2019
Unconstitutional Prorogation
On 1 April, the British Parliament again failed to agree on a plan for withdrawal from the European Union. It has now been suggested that the government should prorogue Parliament until after 12 April in order to terminate the current parliamentary debate. This would effectively silence Parliament to achieve its preferred version of Brexit without regard to principles of democracy and representative and responsible government. Continue reading >>
07 July 2016
Passing Laws without a Vote: the French Labour Reform and Art. 49-3 of the Constitution
The French government has brought a hugely controversial piece of legislation through parliament without debate and without a vote. That move is seen as democratically dubious by many. But it is certainly constitutional under the stability-oriented French Constitution of 1958. Continue reading >>13 November 2015
Über die Selbstrechtfertigung unabhängiger Institutionen
In der letzten Woche hörte ich auf einer Tagung den [...] Continue reading >>21 February 2010