26 August 2020
Fencing Off the Difference
Public statements of high-ranking politicians expressing hostility towards and disdain of sexual minorities have become common in the recent years in Poland. But the problem of “LGBT-Free Zones” has given the topic a new constitutional quality. Continue reading >>
29 June 2020
Homophobia Disguised as Children’s Rights in Russia’s Constitutional Referendum
From the 25th of June to the 1st of July, Russia is holding a referendum, in which citizens are asked to vote on a package of amendments to the country’s constitution. The amended constitution could enable President Putin to remain in power until 2036. State officials reportedly played down the resetting of presidential term limits. Instead, they focused on other amendments, especially those concerning faith in god, the preeminence of the Russian language, and the definition of marriage exclusively as a union between a man and a woman. Continue reading >>
06 February 2018
The Hierarchy of Hate: Mixed Signals in the Combat against Hate Speech
There is a number of varying thresholds to free speech regulation set out by relevant legal tools which can do nothing but confuse countries. Moreover, anti-hate speech legislation developed on an international and European level is marred by what I refer to as the hierarchy of hate, namely the arbitrary focus on particular types of hate speech, such as racist speech, and the simultaneous disregard for other genres such as homophobic speech. Continue reading >>
25 January 2017
Same-sex marriage before the courts and before the people: the story of a tumultuous year for LGBT rights in Romania
This article will briefly recount a particularly agitated year for LGBT rights in Romania, marked by a highly contentious campaign to amend the constitutional definition of marriage through a referendum, as well as the first referral to the Court of Justice of the European Union by the Constitutional Court, in a freedom of movement case involving a married mixed nationality same-sex couple. Continue reading >>
19 May 2016
Marokko, Tunesien, Algerien: sicher nicht sicher
Mit ihrem Beschluss, Marokko, Algerien und Tunesien als „sichere Herkunftsländer“ im Sinne des Art. 16a Abs. 3 einzustufen, missachtet die Regierungskoalition die Rechtsprechung des Bundesverfassungsgerichts, die Asylverfahrensrichtlinie und ein entscheidendes Urteil des EuGH. Für verfolgte Homosexuelle aus den Maghrebstaaten wurde damit das individuelle Grundrecht auf Asyl in Deutschland praktisch abgeschafft. Continue reading >>12 May 2016