22 October 2020
LawRules #5: We need to talk about Prosecutors
Public prosecutors decide whether a criminal suspect is investigated. Or not. They decide whether a person is indicted and whether there will be a trial. Or not. If you control them, you can make your opponents' life miserable and let your friends run free. On the other hand: If prosecutors don't have to answer to politics at all, who will hold them accountable? This is what we discuss with these distinguished guests in this week's episode of our Rule of Law podcast. Continue reading >>
12 July 2020
The General Prosecutor Unbound
It is no secret that the rule of law in Bulgaria has been fragile for a long time, like in many other post-socialist states. Still, what has been going on in the last days in Bulgaria is extraordinary in a number of ways. It could be seen as an attack against the very constitutional foundations of the state. In this brief post, I will just focus on the last development concerning the disregard of the constitutional principle of the rule of law by one of the highest authorities in the state, namely the General Prosecutor. Continue reading >>
07 August 2015
Richter und Staatsanwälte – besser in zwei Vereinen
Der „Verein der Bundesrichter und Bundesanwälte beim Bundesgerichtshof“ hat in [...] Continue reading >>04 August 2015