29 September 2021
The Stubborn Subversiveness of Judaism’s Matrilineal Principle
The recent #patrilineal debate about the matrilineal exclusiveness of being Jewish in Germany that started last July between several writers/opinion makers demonstrates perfectly just how difficult but also dangerous it is to speak of ethnicity, race, religion, gender but also blood particularly in their intersectional form. The following contribution attempts to explicate the central challenge behind the ethnically based matrilineal principle in Judaism. Continue reading >>
19 May 2020
Why Egenberger Could Be Next
Soon, the Federal Constitutional Court will decide on the Egenberger case that raises important questions at the intersection of anti-discrimination law and religious policy. The decision is an opportunity to address critical questions to the European Court of Justice – a court that lacks dogmatic subtlety and sensitivity with regard to religion and cultural policy as an analysis of its case law shows. Continue reading >>28 January 2014
Iren wollen Strafbarkeit der Blasphemie aus der Verfassung streichen
Laizisten dürfte die irische Verfassung wie der leibhaftige Böse erscheinen [...] Continue reading >>
24 February 2013
Im Fegefeuer des Rechts: Lorenzo Zucca über „A Secular Europe“
Etwas Infernalisches hatte er mitunter schon, der Konflikt zwischen religiösen [...] Continue reading >>24 June 2012