Verticality and Struggles over Human Rights
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Next session: 15:45-17:00 CET/9:45-11:00 EST
How do different legal orders interact vertically? Is this interaction marked by conflict and contestation, or by compromise and collaboration? This panel looks at three different such interactions: between domestic courts and the Inter-American Court of Human Rights; between regional human rights courts and United Nations Treaty Bodies; and between Swiss domestic law and the lex sportiva.
- Antoine Duval, T.M.C. Asser Institute for European and International Law in the Hague
- Machiko Kanetake,Utrecht University
- Caroline de Lima e Silva, Lichtenberg-Kolleg (Georg-August-Universität)
- Discussant: César RodrÃguez Garavito, New York University
- Moderator: Nico Krisch, Graduate Institute Geneva