Multiplicity and Law’s Foundations
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Next sessions tomorrow (parallel): 14:00-15:30 CET/8:00-9:30 EST
- Panel 1: Invisible Drivers Behind Formal Law
- Panel 2: Verticality and Struggles over Human Rights
- Panel 3: Images of Multiplicity: Spaces, Entanglement, Hybridity
How does multiplicity in law beyond (and within) the state affect our understanding of the nature of law? In this discussion, international law scholar Sarah Nouwen engages in a conversation with legal philosophers Brian Z. Tamanaha and Christoph Möllers to take stock of the debate and its implications for theories of law.
- Sarah Nouwen, EUI
- Brian Z. Tamanaha, Washington University
- Christoph Möllers, HU Berlin
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To B. Tamanaha:
I like the distinction between multiplicity and diversity, but I think that they are both present at the same time in some contemporary normative phenomena, such as religious arbitration in commercial matters. It involves both a clash of worldviews and clash of regime.