24 April 2021
COVID-19, Minorities, and Indigenous peoples: The Litmus Test of Equality
The disproportionate impact of Covid-19 on minorities and indigenous peoples across the globe has been well documented. Individuals from these communities have been infected at a greater rate, are more likely to die after contracting the disease and now risk being at the back of the queue in national vaccination programmes. Our work has focussed on a number of elements of this phenomenon, including a study of the disproportionate burden of Covid-19 on the most marginalized communities worldwide, and the ways that members from these communities have been pushed into forced labour as a result of the pandemic. Continue reading >>
21 November 2020
Time for Reform in Bosnia and Herzegovina
On November 21, 2020, the General Framework Agreement for Peace in Bosnia and Herzegovina, also known as the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA), turns 25. Just a few days before, on November 15, Bosnian citizens were called to renew the municipal councils across the country. The poor management of the pandemic exacerbated the already high level of corruption and the recurring stalemate in political institutions, and Bosnian voters in major cities used the local elections to express all their discontent with the political conduct of the ruling parties. It is clear today that the system put in place by the DPA 25 years ago is not a sustainable solution. Continue reading >>23 June 2020
Riga and Venice on a Collision Course
After the judgment on minority languages in public schools more than a year ago, the Latvian Constitutional Court has passed several other judgments regarding the restrictions on using such languages in education. A recent opinion of the Venice Commission raises questions about the quality of analysis from the point of view of international law. Continue reading >>
03 October 2019
A Judicial Path to Nowhere?
On 25 September 2019, the Constitutional Court of Latvia opened a case on the constitutionality of several provisions regarding pre-school education for minorities. The complainants are not likely to succeed with their appeal, though, as the Constitutional Court has so far used the country’s Soviet history as well as Latvia’s cultural identity as arguments to uphold the restriction of minority rights. Continue reading >>
02 May 2019
A Dangerous Precedent for Minority Rights: the Latvian Constitutional Court’s Ruling on Minority Schools
On 23 April 2019, the Constitutional Court of Latvia delivered its judgment in the case on minority schools. This judgment might become a dangerous precedent for the rights of persons belonging to minorities under the Union values enshrined in Article 2 TEU. Continue reading >>12 January 2016
Vom Recht der Opposition auf Oppositionsrechte
Muss die Mehrheit der Minderheit genügend Rechte geben, dass es in Deutschlands Demokratie eine effektive Opposition gibt? Darüber wird morgen vor dem Zweiten Senat des Bundesverfassungsgerichts mündlich verhandelt. Die Fraktion DIE LINKE hatte ein Organstreitverfahren angestrengt, um geklärt zu wissen, ob die derzeitigen Quoren für die Oppositionsrechte im 18. Deutschen Bundestag verfassungsmäßig sind. Continue reading >>22 September 2015
Vermittlungsausschuss: BVerfG streckt die Waffen vor der Flucht ins Informelle
Jedes Verfahren zur Entscheidungsfindung kann nur entweder perfekt effizient oder perfekt legitim sein. Das Parlaments- und Staatsorganisationsrecht steckt voller Versuche, zwischen diesen beiden Polen eine prekäre Balance herzustellen: Das Repräsentationsprinzip ist so einer. Die Fünfprozentklausel ein weiterer. Das Zusammenspiel von Mehrheitsprinzip und Minderheitenrechten. Und das sind genau die Stellen, an denen das Recht nie zur Ruhe kommt und immer neue BVerfG-Entscheidungen gebiert. Ein recht aktiver Eruptionsherd dieser Art ist das Thema Vermittlungsausschuss, und der ist heute in Gestalt einer Senatsentscheidung aus Karlsruhe erneut eindrucksvoll ausgebrochen. Um das Ergebnis vorweg zu nehmen: Im Zweiten Senat scheint unter den Kräften, die hier miteinander ringen, die Effizienz im Augenblick die Oberhand über die Legitimität zu behalten. Continue reading >>