29 June 2021

Too little, too late

A few weeks after the ECtHR first stepped into the ring for the fight against rule of law backsliding in Poland via its Xero Flor judgment, it has now dealt a new blow to the Polish judicial reforms. In its Broda and Bojara ruling, the issue at hand was not the composition of the Constitutional Court, but the termination of judges’ mandates as court (vice) president. In its judgment, the Court showed once more its commitment to the safeguarding of domestic judges and the procedural protection they should enjoy. Yet, one can wonder whether the judgment will really have an impact and if it is not too little too late. Continue reading >>

Oblique Strategies

On June 25, 2021 Hungary’s two top judges – the president of the Constitutional Court, Tamás Sulyok and the chief justice of the Kúria, András Varga Zs. – warned attendants of a conference on the Fundamental Law of an impending constitutional coup. They were addressing the nation’s legal elite – including the speaker of the Parliament, the Minister of Justice and the Prosecutor in Chief – on the premises of the Kúria. The guardians of the Fundamental Law activated the language of militant democracy ahead of the 2022 elections. Continue reading >>
26 June 2021

Scheitert „Deutsche Wohnen & Co enteignen“ an ungültigen Stimmen?

Gestern, am 25. Juni, endete die Sammelfrist des Volksbegehrens „Deutsche Wohnen & Co enteignen“. Beim Zwischenstand waren von insgesamt rund 197.000 abgegebenen Unterschriften fast 30% ungültig. Der häufigste Grund: die fehlende deutsche Staatsangehörigkeit der Unterschreibenden. Doch ist das Berliner Volksbegehren „Deutsche Wohnen & Co enteignen“ nur für Deutsche, die in Berlin wohnen, zulässig? Continue reading >>
25 June 2021

The Guardian is Absent

What limits does European Union (EU) law impose on Member States invoking national security to temporarily re-introduce border controls within the Schengen Area? This question will be answered soon by the European court of Justice (ECJ) in the joined cases C-368/20 NW v Landespolizeidirektion Steiermark and C-369/20 NW v Bezirkshauptmannschaft Leibnitz. Continue reading >>
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Attack on the Rights of LGBTQIA+ People in Hungary: Not Just Words, but Deeds as Well?

On 15 June, the Hungarian parliament voted by an overwhelming majority to pass legislation that, in essence, and under the pretext of protecting minors, bans images or content that depicts or ‘promotes’ homosexuality or trans-identity from the public space. The new law adds to a long list of measures already adopted by Hungary over the past several years, that also have the objective of discriminating and stigmatising the LGBTQIA+ population. These measures moreover are part of a wider context of deliberate erosion of liberal democracy in Hungary. The European Union's toolbox reveals its limits here. Why, therefore, not turn to the Council of Europe, with its European Convention on Human Rights and European Court of Human Rights? Continue reading >>

Constituent Process and Constituent Power

Chile’s constituent process is well underway. Last month, on 16 and 17 May 2021, the election for the 155 members of the Constitutional Convention, the organ responsible for drafting a new constitution, was held. Since then, however, the rules that govern the constituent process have become contested. 34 of the elected members of the Convention issued a declaration on 8 June 2021, claiming that the constituent organ has sovereign character and is not bound by the current constitutional order which came into force under Pinochet’s dictatorship. Continue reading >>
24 June 2021

Was heißt hier eigentlich ausufernd?

Über „Rasse“ und Rassismus im Recht wird in letzter Zeit so intensiv diskutiert wie nie zuvor in Deutschland. In welche Widersprüche man dabei geraten kann, wurde in dieser Woche im Bundestag sichtbar: Während im Rechtsausschuss der Begriff „rassistisch“ im Grundgesetz abgelehnt wurde, weil er „völlig unbestimmt“ sei und eine ausufernde Rechtsprechung zu befürchten sei, einigte man sich fast zeitgleich im Innenausschuss darauf eben diesen Begriff im Staatsangehörigkeitsgesetz als Ausschlussgrund für Einbürgerungen zu verwenden. Auch diese Episode der Rechtspolitik zeigt erneut, dass Deutschland beim Umgang mit „Rasse“ und Rassismus im Recht immer noch erheblichen Entwicklungsbedarf hat. Continue reading >>

Is UEFA on “the Other Side of the Rainbow”?

UEFA's stance on the rainbow flag has generated attention around the world. The disciplinary proceedings against Manuel Neuer by UEFA show: sport governing bodies still massively limit the freedom of political expressions by the athletes during big sporting events. Continue reading >>

Unpersuasive but Wise

On 16 June, by two parallel orders, the EU Court of Justice said the last word on the legality of advocate general Sharpston’s divestment. In the end, the Court did little more than reiterate the press statement it made in response to the member states’ declaration on the subject. The member states made a legitimate decision based on an old custom, and the Court could do nothing but oblige. Continue reading >>

The Northern Ireland Protocol “Sausage Wars”

Five years after the Brexit referendum, the legal stalemate on the Protocol on Ireland and Northern Ireland the impasse between the UK and the EU continues, despite the conclusion of the Withdrawal Agreement and the Trade and Cooperation Agreement. While the concept of “state civil disobedience” could be applied to the UK government’s actions since, this is an inappropriate means to conceptualise the conflict. Instead, the more familiar concept of legally justified exceptions to obligations would have been a more appropriate means of pre-empting the dispute during the creation of the Protocol. Continue reading >>

The Digital Services Act wants you to “sue” Facebook over content decisions in private de facto courts

According to Art. 18 of the Commission’s draft for a Digital Services Act, Member States shall certify out-of-court dispute settlement bodies which might - at the request of online platform users - review platform decisions. While well-intentioned, this introduction of quasi-courts is incompatible with European Law. Continue reading >>
23 June 2021

Military Justice, Journalism and Free Speech in Brazil

On 17 June, 2021, the Attorney-General of the Brazilian Federal Supreme Court affirmed that, in the government's view, the Military Justice has competence to try civilians accused of criminal offences against the honor of military institutions. He proposed that crimes related to the freedom of speech should be tried by a special military branch of the judiciary. The attacks on free speech by the government through the Attorney-General is another sign of the democratic erosion process. Continue reading >>
22 June 2021

Ein stumpfes Schwert

Im Vordergrund steht bei den neuen Transparenzregeln für Bundestagsabgeordnete das Anliegen, Interessenverknüpfungen transparent(er) zu machen, die für die parlamentarische Arbeit bedeutsam sein können. Diese Stoßrichtung ist zu begrüßen und dürfte auf der Grundlage der Leitentscheidung des Bundesverfassungsgerichts zum Status der Abgeordneten aus dem Jahre 2007 grundsätzlich nicht zu beanstanden sein. Allerdings fehlt weiterhin eine unabhängige Kontrollinstanz, die die Einhaltung der verschärften (nichtstrafrechtlichen) Regeln prüft, weshalb die Maßnahmen sich einmal mehr als ein stumpfes Schwert zu erweisen drohen. Continue reading >>

Chile’s Kaleidoscopic Constituent Assembly

Chile is getting rid of Pinochet — at long last. Last month, Chileans elected a constituent assembly that will draft a constitutional text to replace the current Constitution, which the dictator imposed in 1980. Though the result of the deliberative process that will soon commence is uncertain, one thing is sure: Chile’s constituent assembly resembles the country in ways that no political arrangement had allowed so far. Continue reading >>
21 June 2021

Irrationale Farbenlehre

Reichs- und Reichskriegsflaggen tauchen nicht zuletzt auf Corona-Demonstrationen vermehrt auf. Die Bundesinnenministerkonferenz hat diese Woche einen Mustererlass beschlossen, der Eingriffsmöglichkeiten gegen solche Flaggen bereitstellen soll. Dabei ergibt sich ein Abwägungskonflikt zwischen der öffentlichen Ordnung als symbolischer Ordnung und einer formal verstandenen Meinungsfreiheit. Continue reading >>
20 June 2021

Predictable and Unsatisfying

Most EU lawyers have already seen it looming on the horizon: On 16 June 2021, former Advocate General Eleanor Sharpston lost the legal dispute against her former employer, the European Court of Justice. Although the outcome in this regard was predictable, the decision is overall somewhat unsatisfying. The CJEU seems to be of that opinion in finding that Sharpston’s mandate ended automatically with the United Kingdom’s withdrawal from the EU. The Court does so without revealing its legal considerations and interpretation of EU primary law in its reasoning. Continue reading >>
19 June 2021

CJEU’s Independence and Lawful Composition in Question (Part V)

The Sharpston Affair is over, at least as a matter of proceedings before the CJEU. The litigation had aimed at saving the CJEU’s dignity, but the opposite result has been achieved. At the critical juncture when the CJEU’s authority stands contested by the courts of established democracies, the phony panels of the ‘illiberal’ ones, as well as the immature in-betweens, the CJEU managed to pour oil into the fire and signed off its own lack of independence: when it is needed the most, its legitimacy is in the doghouse. Continue reading >>
18 June 2021


Last Tuesday, the Polish Constitutional Tribunal delivered a ruling which makes the extent of the crisis of the rule of law in Poland unambiguously clear. And it shows how the gap with Europe is widening day by day. If the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe lets this pass, it will not only be a blow to the authority and effectiveness of the Strasbourg Court of Human Rights. Then the guardians of the rule of law will have surrendered even faster than we thought. Continue reading >>

Ultra Vires Control and European Democracy

On 9 June 2021, the European Commission filed infringement proceedings against the Federal Republic of Germany. Though the infringement procedure has been welcomed by some scholars as a necessary reaction of the Commission, I argue that initiating the infringement procedure is politically unwise, legally questionable, and ultimately unfounded. Continue reading >>

„Ne bis in idem“ – auch für Mörder?

Vergangenen Freitag, am 11. Juni 2021, hat der Bundestag einen Gesetzentwurf der Fraktionen CDU/CSU und SPD behandelt. Inhalt: Wiederaufnahme im Strafprozess nach rechtskräftigem Freispruch bei Verbrechen wegen Mordes und Verbrechen nach VStGB. Der Entwurf führt ausdrucksstark an, dass die bisherige Rechtslage zu „schlechterdings unerträglichen Ergebnissen führen würde“. Doch Gegner des Vorhabens sehen die Rechtssicherheit in Gefahr, die anders zu beantworten sind, als dies der Gesetzentwurf macht. Continue reading >>