03 February 2021

Menschenwürde im Gefängnis

Wer über Freiheitsentzug spricht oder entscheidet, kann über die Menschenwürde nicht schweigen. Letzte Woche hat das Bundesverfassungsgericht allerdings zwei Entscheidungen veröffentlicht, die nahelegen, dass deutsche Fachgerichte nicht immer sorgfältig mit der Menschenwürde von Gefangenen umgehen. Continue reading >>
02 February 2021
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Keine Priorität für die Rechtswissenschaft

Man kann das Unbehagen, dass in der Pandemie auch eher randständige Fragen zu verfassungsrechtlichen Grundsatzproblemen hochgezont werden, grundsätzlich nachvollziehen. Auch kann man verstehen, dass die Pandemie an den Nerven zehrt, nachvollziehbarerweise vor allem bei denjenigen, die politische Verantwortung tragen. Es ist aber nicht akzeptabel, dass in einer so fundamentalen Frage von Leben und Tod einhellig artikulierte verfassungsrechtliche Probleme unter den Parlamentstisch fallen. Continue reading >>

Defining the Modern Family

In November 2020, the Constitutional Court of Latvia recognised that the Constitution of Latvia (Satversme) obliges the state to protect all families, including those established by same-sex couples. The judgement was met with considerable political backlash and at the beginning of January prompted the right‑wing party Nacionālā Apvienība to submit an initiative to amend the Satversme with a new, excluding definition of family. Perhaps more worrisome is how the amendment and the associated campaign openly attack the authority of the Constitutional Court. Continue reading >>

The French Habeas Corpus and Covid-19

In January 2021, the French Constitutional Council published an important decision on the protection of the right to liberty during the state of sanitary emergency. The Constitutional Council decided that extending the duration of pre-trial detention without a decision made by a judge was contrary to article 66 of the Constitution. The decision implies that while authorities can resort to exceptional powers during a pandemic, they must still respect basic human rights. Continue reading >>

No Court When Needed

For months, Indian farmers have been protesting against the so-called “farm bills”. With the government unwilling to give in to demands and with farmers determined to keep on protesting until the laws are repealed, India’s Supreme Court has ventured into the political fray. On 12th January it passed an order staying the laws as well as setting up a mediation committee. The Supreme Court’s response fits neatly into a destructive pattern, particularly in the past years under the Modi government, in which it has abnegated its core functions in favor of politically expedient (in-)actions. Continue reading >>
01 February 2021

In the EU, it’s the Rule of Law. In Poland, it’s Unconstitutional?

The Polish Minister of Justice Zbigniew Ziobro, in his capacity as Prosecutor General, wants to apply to the Polish Constitutional Tribunal to have the EU regulation connecting the rule of law with the suspension of EU funds declared inconsistent with the Polish constitution. Why is the member of a government that has recently consented to adopting the regulation, now going to fight it? And are there any grounds for doing so? Continue reading >>

Beobachtung der AfD

Es geht das Gerücht herum, dass das Bundesamt für Verfassungsschutz als Ergebnis umfassender Prüfungen die Gesamtpartei AfD zum „Verdachtsfall“ erklären wird, die damit als verfassungsfeindliche Bestrebung beobachtet werden könnte. Das hiergegen angerufene Verwaltungsgericht Köln hat einen „Hängebeschluss“ zur Sicherung des – noch anhängigen – Eilantrags vorläufig abgelehnt. Die materiellen Rechtsfragen, die mit dem Rechtsstreit verbunden sind, verdienen einen näheren Blick. Continue reading >>
30 January 2021

A Bolsonarist Cat Among the Pigeons

While the election of Kassio Nunes Marques in September 2020 was initially met with relief by some as he had no known links to the government, the new justice of Brazil’s Supreme Federal Tribunal (STF) has since demonstrated his fidelity to the president that elected him. This could play a significant role in the future of Brazil given his likely being the deciding vote in an upcoming case on the existing conviction of former president Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva. Continue reading >>

The EU’s and UK’s Self-Defeating Vaccine Nationalism

The European Union and the United Kingdom currently risk being victims of their own vaccine nationalism. The time-pressure for securing as many vaccine doses against COVID-19 as possible has led to hiccups and even tensions between both. At the heart of the matter is AstraZeneca’s delay in distributing a given number of doses in the European Union. Meanwhile, it continues to serve the United Kingdom in a timely fashion. The threat of imposing export restrictions is now on the table. Continue reading >>

Keine Reform für die Zukunft

Am 1. Januar 2021 trat die jüngste Reform des Erneuerbare-Energien-Gesetzes (EEG) in Kraft. Sie führte mit der finanziellen Beteiligung der Gemeinden an den Erträgen der Windenergie klammheimlich eine verfassungswidrige Abgabe ein: Durch das Zusammenspiel des neuen § 36k EEG 2021 mit der altbekannten EEG-Umlage fließt eine bei den Strom-Endverbrauchern erhobene Abgabe in die kommunalen Haushalte. Continue reading >>
29 January 2021

Mediterranean Responsibilities

This week, the UN Human Rights committee issued a long-awaited decision concerning a distress case in the Mediterranean back in 2013. 400 migrants were on board of a vessel which sunk within the Maltese Search and Rescue zone but in vicinity of the Italian island of Lampedusa. At least 200 persons died. The decision of the Committee is somewhat of a milestone. This blog post depicts the most important legal aspects of the Committee’s decision, with special regard to the broader setting of maritime migration and States’ responsibilities. Continue reading >>

Facebook’s Oversight Board Takes on the Curious Case of Donald J. Trump

Facebook announced last week that it would refer the question of its decision to remove Donald Trump from its platforms to the Oversight Board. The case concerning the former President’s account marks a notable departure from the approach through the initial slate of Oversight Board cases announced in December and resolved this month. The decision the Board takes -- which will be binding, Facebook says -- could have major implications for the future of platform governance. But it may also force Facebook to reckon with its past. Continue reading >>

Does Twitter trump Trump?

Some of the biggest social media platforms recently decided to suspend the accounts of former US President Donald Trump. Even though such bans are not unprecedented, the fact that it concerned the then-still US President has triggered quite some controversy. But what about the European perspective - would the doctrine of positive obligations under Article 10 ECHR mean that Donald Trump’s right to freedom of expression was violated? Continue reading >>
28 January 2021

Human Rights in the Line of Fire

On 21 January 2021, the Grand Chamber of the European Court delivered its judgment in the case of Georgia v Russia (II). The Court did establish Russia’s responsibility for the consequences of one of the gravest military confrontations the continent has seen since Russia has joined the Strasbourg club. The Court is visibly not at ease with its role to adjudicate human rights violations in an armed conflict between two States. It left the five-day exchange of hostilities to the realm of humanitarian law, however, not exclusively. The white spots on the map of human rights protection in Europe the Court identifies have broad ramifications for the pending cases between Ukraine, The Netherlands and Russia as well as the cases between Armenia, Azerbaijan and Turkey. Continue reading >>

The Final Death Blow to the Turkish Constitutional Court

On 22 January 2021, Turkish President Erdoğan appointed Mr. İrfan Fidan to the Turkish Constitutional Court. Besides his alleged close ties to Erdoğan, Fidan was the prosecutor of many high-profile criminal cases that have been at the heart of the current backlash against democracy and human rights violations in Turkey - many of which the Constitutional Court overturned. Fidan would be the final blow to shift the balance to fully serve Erdoğan’s interests. Continue reading >>

Striking While the Iron is Hot

Boris Johnson will reportedly head to Scotland this week in order to demonstrate the benefits of the British union. His visit is likely triggered by the 11 point ‘roadmap’ unveiled on Sunday by the Scottish National Party (SNP) to hold another independence referendum. The United Kingdom is at a critical juncture: the country risks becoming a ‘failed state’ unless the Scottish issue can be resolved. Continue reading >>
27 January 2021

Kein Brexit „auf Rädern“

Das Handels- und Kooperationsabkommen zwischen der EU und Großbritannien wurde als "EU-only" Abkommen geschlossen, an dem nur die EU und nicht auch die Mitgliedstaaten als Vertragsparteien beteiligt sind. Juristische Zweifel an der gewählten Rechtsgrundlage sind aber unbegründet, da das Abkommen ein Assoziierungsabkommen ist. Continue reading >>

‘Laws of Fear’ in the EU

COVID-19 has demonstrated the fragility of EU free movement rules when faced with an unknown virus of such magnitude and strength, while raising the issues of power, solidarity and trust in the system. The fear of COVID-19 has also had a strong impact on the application of two principles in EU free movement law: the principle of proportionality and the precautionary principle. The pandemic has had a transformative effect on the application of these principles. Continue reading >>
26 January 2021

Witch Hunt against 14 Cracow Judges

Judges who have examined cases related to the reinstatement of Prosecutor Mariusz Krasoń have been and are being persecuted for their purely judicial actions. Krasoń called attention to the politicization of the prosecutor’s office in a May 2019 resolution adopted by the Assembly of Prosecutors of the Regional Prosecutor’s Office in Cracow. As a result he was demoted, harassed, and his workplace was moved around 300 km from his residence. Over the last two months, the Internal Affairs Department of the National Public Prosecutor’s Office has summoned as witnesses 14 judges from five different benches of Cracow’s district, regional and appellate courts. The judges now face potential criminal charges of failure to fulfil obligations as public officials, punishable by up to three years of imprisonment (Art. 231(1) of the Penal Code). Their purported crime? Failing to persecute Prosecutor Krasoń.  Continue reading >>

Staatliche Parteienfinanzierung in der Kritik

Am 26. und 27. Januar 2021 wollte das Bundesverfassungsgericht über ein Gesetz verhandeln, mit dem 2018 die Obergrenze für die staatliche Teilfinanzierung politischer Parteien von gut 165 Mio. Euro auf 190 Mio. Euro erhöht wurde. Im Kern geht es darum, ob durch die zusätzlichen Mittel der Grundsatz der Staatsfreiheit der Parteien aus Art. 21 GG verletzt werden. Coronabedingt wurde der Verhandlungstermin jetzt aufgehoben, was Zeit zum Nachdenken, ob die Verfassung wirklich eine absolute Obergrenze enthält, die der demokratische Gesetzgeber bei der staatlichen Finanzierung politischer Parteien nicht überschreiten darf. Ein Blick auf Dogmatik, Rechtsvergleichung und finanzpolitische Realität zeigt, dass die besseren Argumente dagegensprechen. Continue reading >>